Sagittarianism: Rise of truth-slinger 2.0 

THE DECISION TO UNEQUIVOCALLY believe (or not believe) in something is an entirely unnecessary movement of mind made primarily to harden the sense of a separate somebody (ego) who is doomed to a life of endlessly reasserting that it is, indeed, solid and real enough to stake out a point of view. In this way, more>

November 2014 Transit Update: Get Ready to Launch

AS WE PULL OUT of Mercury retrograde’s “After-Shadow” on Nov 9th, and the soul is emboldened by Mars’ Oct 26th movement into matrix-friendly Capricorn, our goal-realization urges are likely to intensify. Use the first week of November (until the Full Moon in Taurus on the 6th) to realistically examine which life visions are so indigenous more>

Lay Head on Toe: The One Insultingly Simple Edict of Astrology 

ASTROLOGY IS A LANGUAGE of meditative self-inquiry. It points at the fascinating, homeward-beckoning symbols embedded into personality and the world around us. The world, it turns out, is riddled with undeciphered metaphor, but most of it is too insultingly obvious for clever minds to notice or contemplate. And what, you may ask, is the overarching more>

October Transit Update: Ashram white in the black of night

OCTOBER is a nutritiously witchy brew with chunks of surprisingly digestible shadow.

Main course: a Lunar eclipse at 15 degrees Aries on Oct 8th and a Solar eclipse at 0 degrees Scorpio on Oct 23rd – both bubbling up from a cauldron of Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio (begins on Oct 4th). Stir it all more>

September 2014 Transit Update: Make way for the feisty triangle

SEPTEMBER BEGINS nose-to-the-grindstone and becomes progressively more light-hearted and inspired. The lunar energy builds until the Sept 8th full Moon in Pisces, then, on Sept 13th – after two years in poker-faced Scorpio – the assertive, fiery planet, Mars, moves into shoot-from-the-hip Sagittarius, followed by Pluto going direct (out with the old, in with the more>

Is Reincarnation Real? Don’t ask your Aries head; ask your Pisces feet!

THE PISCES FEET are experts on the topic of reincarnation and the impermanence of egoic identity. Constantly hovering and landing, hovering and landing, each footfall reincarnates our lofty Aries head into a new line of sight, a new vantage point or worldview. Meanwhile, behind our built-in binoculars, a conspicuously untraveled awareness calmly watches our footy more>

The Somatic Scripture Chart: Prods to awaken are built into your body

DID YOU KNOW that an owner’s manual for the human psyche was encoded into the organs and structures of your body, and that the more you learn about the higher and lower octave expressions of each archetype, the more specific this two-legged Bible’s guidance is?

Sound far-fetched? Perhaps. Here’s your chance to find out. Download more>

Mad Enough to be Mortal? Sane Enough to Disappear?

WHENEVER WE TAKE the (imagined) risk of abiding as the loving vastness looking out through our eyes, we psychically join hands with every other personality-draped consciousness on the planet. At last, sighs the soul, ego is mad enough to be mortal, sane enough to disappear: the assertive Aries head is sharing the stage with the more>

Astro-Advaita: Saving the world one question at a time

IT WAS NEVER GUARANTEED that there would be unlimited future generations of earthlings. Fine. As a faraway fate that awaits some future generation, mind can pretend to cope with earth’s seasonal die-offs. Alas, the specter of depopulation appears to have arrived a tad early – or so sings a growing choir of climate-priests. Judging by more>

July Transit Update: Romance Returns!

AFTER SIX MONTHS of nonstop retrogrades – Venus, Mercury, Mars, then Mercury again (over on July 1st) – the way forward becomes a tad clearer in July. Delayed projects and stymied relationships, caught in the tug-of-war required to fashion a mutually motivating, realistically updated commitment, get green lighted on July 20th when Saturn (the last more>

Gemini Chi-Tendrils: Kleshas and Cures

IN THE THIRD STEP of waking down, the soul feels the call to widen its body-centric worldview, (as symbolized by the Taurus “Taproot” or neck) by growing “Chi Tendrils” to reach out, communicate and network with other people, places and perspectives. (Hello internet and iPhone.) This impulse to ventilate and network outward from the dense more>

June 2014 Transit Update: Mercury Retrograde

WE ALL have an internalized Sun and Moon. Anatomically, this shows up as the solar (left) and lunar (right) hemispheres of our brain. The cafe table across which these masculine and feminine hemispheres gab is called the corpus callosum – a distinctly Mercurial bundle of nerves that keeps shuffling our attention between extroversion and introversion, more>

The Taurus Taproot: Kleshas and Cures

IT TOOK A COURAGEOUS, karma-donning Crash Helmet (the Aries head) to baptize us into separate somebody status, but without the downward plunging Taproot (the Taurus neck), this courageous act of “selfing” would devolve into endless ego-hardening assertion, personality strutting and differentiation-through-conflict. Our days would become littered with insecure expressions of ego designed not to overflow more>

May Transit Update: Cardinal Cross, Part 2

THE GODS ENVY US. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again. ~Homer, The Iliad

Shock jock Awakener (Uranus) and his Kali cohort, Pluto, (killer of what is more>

The Aries Crash Helmet: Kleshas and Cures   

SKY DIVING down through the fontanelle, the soft center at the top of the baby’s cranium, the great I AM dons an Aries “crash helmet,” a provisional locus of identity and free will that activates the synapse-firing brain, fires up the fight-or-flight adrenal glands and drapes itself in a will-asserting muscular system. (Hunter Reynolds, from more>

Four Steps to an Un-Heady Use of Astrology

ASTROLOGY without ego-dissolving self-inquiry only hardens our me-story. Yucko. Here’s a four-step process to help you dodge these spasms of cosmic cleverness. 1. Put words to your feelings. Is it a tale of inadequacy or entitlement, perpetration or victimization? Notice how the two tend to flip back and forth!

2. Notice how the story gives more>

April 2014 Transit Report: The eclipse-triggered Cardinal Cross

APRIL BEGINS with the most dynamic, volatile and explosive configuration possible astrologically: the Grand Cardinal Cross. Pluto, Uranus, Mars and Jupiter tighten into four exactly squaring and opposing 13-degree points from the 22nd to the 23rd, but the impacts of this square will be powerfully felt from the 14th on into the beginning of May. more>

Astro-Chi-Flow, Part Two: Reclaiming the Somatic Scriptures of the Body

THE PURPOSE OF INCARNATION is to win ourselves back from the hypnosis of compulsive Aries “selfing” and allow personality to flower like a dream character from the Piscean ground of being. In AstroChiFlow terms, this is achieved by aiming the Crash Helmet’s identity-asserting will at becoming aware of the timeless presence that pedals our Pisces more>

Astro-Chi-Flow, Part One: Reclaiming the somatic scriptures of the body

WHAT IF the shuffling mass of flesh moving around you didn’t point so much to particular people, but to the Supreme Being? What if every totem pole of body parts was chiseled with symbolic scripture whose reassuring profundity continually eclipsed people’s individual attitudes and behavior, highlighting instead the heroic journey of self-realization that every soul more>

“Cold User” Incident List

Where mind sees crass Capricorn opportunism, meditation sees a heroic “Neo” seduced, for a moment, by the matrix they’re so nobly attempting to infiltrate. (Neo is the protagonist in the movie: The Matrix.)

WHO ARE THE temporarily seduced “Neos” in your life? Imagine them in your mind’s eye. Remember: if those “cold users” stay more>

Bowing Down to the Lord of Time: Master of Embodied Presence

TIME HAS PERSONALITY — a rainbow of archetypal styles of expression not unlike the feline glide of Obama or the Sagittarian savvy of Brad Pitt. Just as different personalities serve to christen us into different flavors of the divine mind, the revolving carousel of hours, days, months and years is constantly coaxing us to update more>

When the Sky Leaves a Footprint: The astrological art of walking

ACCORDING TO ASTROLOGY, the divine is “waking down” to itself through our bodies. Pure awareness is forever nudging our egos into a swan dive off the ledge of our sovereign Aries head into our timeless trance of toes. Why? So personal will (Aries) can be humbled and cleansed by skin-to-skin contact with the Piscean ground more>

Cloud Pedaling: An Astrodharmic Walking Meditation

I ONCE ASKED a Tibetan Buddhist teacher what she thought was the core cause of human suffering. “Believing this place is solid,” she quipped. Of course, I thought to myself, ego has to make it solid ‘out there’ so it feels solid ‘in here.’ So long as trees and tits and power plants and politicians more>

Godz Dance Moves: A walking-style quiz for awakening pedestrians

PLEASE ASSIGN an astrological sign to each of the 12 walking styles below. Remember, we’re all archetypal mutts down here, so though we have our signature styles of parting space, it’s just a matter of time (or lifetimes) before we try on all 12. In the real world, archetypes arise in compensating clusters. Descriptions of more>

God’s Bread Crumbs: How I became an astrologer

PEOPLE OFTEN ASK me how I got into astrology. Under my breath, my first answer is always: “desperation.” Perhaps the following paragraphs will give you a felt sense of the karmic set-up that pushed me into this work. A more ingenious crucible, I could not imagine. Of course, this crucible is not unique to me; more>