Four Steps to an Un-Heady Use of Astrology

4 stepsASTROLOGY without ego-dissolving self-inquiry only hardens our me-story. Yucko. Here’s a four-step process to help you dodge these spasms of cosmic cleverness.
1. Put words to your feelings. Is it a tale of inadequacy or entitlement, perpetration or victimization? Notice how the two tend to flip back and forth!

2. Notice how the story gives you a self. Notice how the story seems to protect you from the disorientation of here/now presence and the dangerous ineffectualness that your ego believes would befall you if you ever dare relax into your natural state: loving vastness.

3. Create the conditions in which you are most likely to feel your way down into the somatic fallout of your story so it can flush free. Be realistic: do you need solitude and a journal or the presence of someone who can offer emotional support in the midst of your full-bodied confession? Need a push? Consider this: if you don’t dive into the numb nucleus of feelings that this debilitating narrative is spinning around, it’s just a matter of time before your undigested suffering spills out onto those you claim to love.

4. Identify the style of awakening (archetype) that Divine Presence is attempting to animate in your personality, but that ego is solidifying into an identity, causing you to feel superior, inferior or indifferent. By throwing this archetypal grid of interpretation over your vexing me-story at this point – after you have felt directly into the story’s visceral impact – astrological insights can deliver the final one-two punch to our orphaned, story-full way of life and reconnect us to the Psyche of cosmic dimensions. (For most, this involves a period of applied archetypal study: the very heart of the Styles of Awakening Training.)

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