Is Reincarnation Real? Don’t ask your Aries head; ask your Pisces feet!

walkingTHE PISCES FEET are experts on the topic of reincarnation and the impermanence of egoic identity. Constantly hovering and landing, hovering and landing, each footfall reincarnates our lofty Aries head into a new line of sight, a new vantage point or worldview. Meanwhile, behind our built-in binoculars, a conspicuously untraveled awareness calmly watches our footy fascination with new angles of sight and, in effect, NEW SETS OF EYES. 

Is reincarnation real? The answer depends on how much we awaken from our metaphoric sleep and start eavesdropping on the conversation between our Aries head and our Pisces feet. If you really want the answer, try this — During your next meditative stroll, ask yourself:

1) What is this hovering and landing, hovering and landing all about, if not to help us weave earth and sky back together and finally know them as two halves of the same sentient thing?

2) Does not every Pisces foot-fall incarnate our Aries head into a new worldview?

3) Is not every step forward the release of a temporally expired past life and the embrace of a yet-to-be-embodied future life?

4) Is there anything but reincarnation?

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