September 2014 Transit Update: Make way for the feisty triangle

SEPTEMBER BEGINS nose-to-the-grindstone and becomes progressively more light-hearted and inspired. The lunar energy builds until the Sept 8th full Moon in Pisces, then, on Sept 13th – after two years in poker-faced Scorpio – the assertive, fiery planet, Mars, moves into shoot-from-the-hip Sagittarius, followed by Pluto going direct (out with the old, in with the new). By the time we get to the new Moon in Libra on the 24th, a grand Trine in fire will start to form between Mars, Jupiter and Uranus which will last until the 13th of October. This feisty triangle gives the courage (Mars) to learn (Jupiter) through experimentation (Uranus). The result: we break free (Uranus) of our limiting beliefs (Jupiter) of what we can do (Mars).

My advice: get the creative, can-do Jupiter in Leo ball rolling in early September, well before the October 4th Mercury Retrograde and the introspective Lunar and Solar eclipses on October 8th and 23rd respectively. Use the first part of September to form successful Libran collaborations that attend to all the Virgo details. Then let the momentum of your efforts coast you into and through October as the world’s attention dives deeper into the lessons of last spring’s grand cross.

TRANSITS (Pacific Standard Time)
Sept 2- Mercury enters Libra
Sept 5- Venus enters Virgo
Sept 8- Full (Super) Moon in Pisces
Sept 13- Mars enters Sagittarius
Sept 19- Mercury retro shadow zone begins
Sept 22- Pluto direct
Sept 22- Sun enters Libra
Sept 24- New Moon in Libra
Sept 27- Mercury enters Scorpio
Sept 29- Fall Equinox 7:29 PM/Venus enters Libra

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