The French Fry Meditation

(This article is an excerpt from The Astrodharma Podcast.)

The title of this month’s meditation and self-inquiry practice is:

The French Fry Meditation

It begins with the recitation of a mantra:

Seething like a thousand chips in hot oil,
This mind will never understand me.

Next, I spend a few moments silently gazing at a picture of French fries dunked into bubbling hot oil. (See image above). This makes me smile. Suddenly, I remember:

This is not serious; it’s do-able divine play.

By saying “yes” to something deliciously decadent, I say “yes” to my humanness, which opens my heart. I’m just a guy getting ready to savor something incredibly tasty and satisfying.

Then, I repeat the mantra aloud a few times.

Seething like a thousand chips in hot oil,
This mind will never understand me.

Next, I take the image inside, as I close my eyes. Often, the image quickly fades and I sink into silence. Other times, if I’m agitated, I work with the image. Playfully, I drop all the restless activity of my mind into an impossibly vast and bubbling vat: this psyche of cosmic dimensions that I am, already, immersed in.

Ah, saturated, drunk, divine.

Believe me. French fries will never be the same and, if you’re anything like me, silence and salivating will be forever joined at the hip.

Now if that doesn’t motivate you to get your but on a cushion for 20 minutes per day, nothing will!

One last thing: Laughter means you’re doing it right. Crying too!

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