Portals to Presence Practice

THOUGHTS ARE the caboose; archetypes are the engine. Astrology– when used as a catalyst for meditation and self-inquiry– moves us from the back of the train to the front.

Re-situated in the engine room, we can clearly see what me-story cages we’re pacing inside of– and, in the act of mercifully witnessing them, return to our true position as awareness, itself, having a personality.

Cultivating this ability to catch ego in the throes of insecure, identity-grabbing role play is the heart and soul of astrology.

The best place to begin with an Astro-self-inquiry practice is to develop a felt sense of the habits of mind at the core of each of the twelve signs.

To that end, I invite you to spend one week working with the Portals to Presence chart above.

Morning and evening, without thinking about it too much, move through all 12 questions, pausing silently for a moment between each question to let their existential implications reverberate. At the end, settle into 15 minutes of storyless presence.

Remember, the “correct” answer to these questions is silent reverberation– not mental analysis. Each inquiry is designed to knock the legs out from under the duality-hardened ego, move us through a brief passage of disorientation, then land us in a more stabilized fullness of Being.

Good luck! I would love a report!

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