Astrodharma Transit Report: January 2021


To remain standing on the buckling, tectonic terrain of January, we will need to meditate on the true nature of “personality” and “evil.”

Personality is a spiritual machine. A karmically inherited download of wound-gifts: ungovernable until meditatively incandesced by the Merciful Witness.

Evil: the forgivable flailing of “mind on a countdown,” high on archetypal cocaine, numb to the fullness of Being.

Yes, it’s that simple. Stripped of our trendy role play, meditation and meditative relating are the most reliable and rewarding reasons for being. They’re also our suicide hotline and the only pension we’re sure to cash in on!

A year ago, this spartan definition of life-purpose might have seemed spiritually lopsided. What about profession, relationship, child-rearing, working to create a more equitable society and a greener planet? Alas, we were vulnerable to noble distraction.

Then came the “collective colonic:” the 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction. Economies trashed, corruption thriving, lives lost and relationships fractured, our scenery-devouring psyche was locked down; sentenced to months of feverish self-reckoning.

With a metallic “clink,” the spade of attention hit bedrock, sending shivers of devotional richness and Darwinian fatalism through our stunned and speechless body.

Which brings us to January, 2021: a flashpoint when a critical mass of souls become corruption-savvy enough to begin the long, slow process of retaking and reshaping the planet over the next two radical, revolutionary years.

Saturn Square Uranus: December 9th, 2020- March 10, 2022

To best way to understand the meaning of this historic Uranus/Saturn square is to feel into the symbolism of the signs they rule: Aquarius and Capricorn.

Aquarius: The Water Bearer

Before centralized water systems, water-carriers were the most essential, hands-on supporters of community. They didn’t just deliver water; they helped the elderly and sick who couldn’t take care of themselves and traveled barefoot to show that they go deep into the river to collect the purest water.

Like a clay pot, Aquarius “carries and contains” the watery emotions of others without being personally influenced by them. In this way, Aquarius acquires an objective understanding of the larger community’s feelings and needs. This, in turn, equips them with the ability to create networks and communal structures that nourish and support our humanity.

Capricorn: The Sea-Goat

The Goat is one of few domesticated animals that, if given the chance, will easily revert to a feral life. Fitted with a fish tail for propulsion and directionality in a world apart (water) and upward pointing horns, (symbolizing antennae-like access to the heavens) the goat-fish survives austere conditions by calling on intuitive guidance and otherworldly inspiration.

This is the spiritual realist, who sees in life’s severe, karmic challenges a slowly opening portal to the soul’s true nature.

Sea Goat Revolution

To engineer more efficient, human-friendly systems capable of getting the Aquarian “water” delivered equally across the entire community, we will need the austerity and persistence of the Sea-goat and the freedom to “go feral;” to build experimental communities, stumble on crazy-but-effective solutions and give birth to hybrid religions in free-thinking laboratories of awareness.

Sea Goat movements for change preserve individual sovereignty and balance tried-and-true Saturnian tradition with out-of-the-box Uranian innovation.

Failing this, our utopia-talking overlords will plug in their top-down playbook: stoking the masses into fits of Aquarian revolution that are easily co-opted to further the agenda of the 1%.

January Transits

The first two months of 2021 are a powder keg.

January begins with Mars squaring Saturn and Jupiter in its final critical degree of 29 degrees Aries on January 4th, 5th and 6th. Think: bombshells, reversals and reactivity.

Then, over the next two weeks (6-20) more and more planets pile into this volatile Mars square until, on Jan 20th (U.S. Inauguration Day) Mars exactly conjuncts Uranus signaling a pressure cooker moment sure to be remembered by the history books. Think: defiance, rebellion, military maneuvers?

The escalation continues straight on through the 28th, when the Full Moon in Leo forms a T-Square with the Mars/Uranus conjunction, just before Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius on Jan 29th. Think: “Tower of Babel” levels of miscommunication and an orgy of reflexive side-taking.

The tension and pandemonium keeps building until it reaches a crescendo some time around February 17th when we reach the first of three exact Uranus/Saturn squares. Kaboom!

What to do? Simple. Curb your reflexive side-taker.

Are you a Reflexive Side-Taker?

The absurdity of the reflexive side-taker is quickly laid bare by imagining two trees in a tiff:

The veins on your leaves are inherently distasteful. A deviant design!

Or two ornate lampshades bickering:

My swirly patterns are held together by a coherent logic. Yours: a squiggly mess!

So much for the Ageless Innocence shining steadily through both!

These are the antics of a spiritual machine, high on archetypal cocaine, hungry for the Merciful Witness.

Transits for January 2021 (PST)

Jan 6- Last Quarter Moon in Libra
Jan 6- Mars enters Taurus
Jan 8- Mercury enters Aquarius
Jan 8- Venus enters Capricorn
Jan 13- New Moon in Capricorn
Jan 14- Uranus goes direct in Taurus
Jan 17- Jupiter square Uranus
Jan 19- Sun enters Aquarius
Jan 20- First Quarter Moon in Taurus
Jan 28- Full Moon in Leo (T-Square w/Mars/Uranus)
Jan 30- Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius

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