astrology dharma

MERCIFUL WHISTLEBLOWER! God of a trillion stars that knows our name! Drag and drop your heavenly heart into this hairdo’d Pearl Harbor.

Synaptic superpower, serious as cancer! Forgive us our flashlights and stockpiled water. Only You can beat this virus: this pining for refuge in the microbial madness of this world.

Bombshell, Biblical, SCOTUS in the sky! You’ve made Your case and the evidence is overwhelming: we’ve been fighting holy wars over a tiny cookie: the separate sense of “I.”

Whitest of all white hat hackers! Peek under our hood! Catch “patriots and traitors” dancing, like shadows, on the walls of a fading simulation: a pandemic of opinion. A loser-think infestation.

You, who is the reason men fight when all is lost, help us lose everything now, so we can war-game our deathbeds; alive to the sublime, unimpeachable Presence gazing out from these war-torn orbs you’ve never once failed to look through.

~Hunter Reynolds

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