The Essence of Astrodharma

WE’RE ALL living out a story. A mytho-poetic narrative whose themes are predetermined and thematically asked-for. How, exactly, will soul sing through our flesh and bone? Entirely up to us.

For the moments when we lose direct, intuitive access to our soul’s purpose and path, the language of astrology reminds us of our active, engaged place in the web of life.

It is the job of the astrologer, to clearly articulate the soul’s karmically inherited life-lessons and offer practical guidance and support into how the client might better harness their strengths, make compensations for their weaknesses and stay true to their soul’s guidance in all aspects of life: work, relationship, health and the timing of personal and professional endeavors.

This is the essence of traditional astrology.

Understanding these things conceptually is helpful, but insufficient. Too easily, life-changing conversations turn into “food for the mind.”

A truly life-changing astrological consultation must include prescribed daily practices: soul-specific meditations, astro-self-inquiry questions and targeted archetypal homework designed to jump start our ego-witnessing skills and break us free of the unconscious habits of mind that distract us from our soul purpose.

Only when soul-mirroring guidance is paired with post-session practice do we finally break the momentum of ego and ground ourselves in the deep, homecoming fulfillment that arises when timeless presence shines through our eyes as we overflow our gift to the world.

This is modern, meditative astrology and the essence of Astrodharma.

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