The Dharma of Failed Regimes

THE BEHAVIOR of collapsing governments is dripping with spiritual symbolism. Why did we choose to incarnate at this time? For a crash course in authentic operational mysticism.

In their final days, all failed regimes do the same thing: they unite their beleaguered, restive citizenry against an external enemy or they foment fighting between various factions within.

In this way, the enforcers of the regime’s failed policies are not held accountable. Hidden in “the fog of war”, they wait, poised to seize power once again, when one of their expertly infiltrated camps is declared victor.

In the same way, the most famous of all “failing regimes” (mind-on-a-countdown) preserves power by crushing free speech (the subtle energy language of meditation, prayer and self-inquiry) and prodding us to fight- not for the authority of Being- but for a more prestigious role play in the density of time.

The absurdity of striving to become a “happy orphaned ego” is violently beaten and pushed to the curb by a competing utopian vision that infiltrates and waters-down our revolutionary, mystic impulse:

Happiness and well-being can be restored by formulating a new, more satisfying story of self: planet-saver, soul-saver, knower-of-absolute-truth or some other ego-hardening vision of “woke”.

Viola! “The Deathless Being Party” is, once again, crushed by the strutty role play of ego.

But wait! All is not lost! The Merciful Witness can, even now, be returned to its rightful throne. How? By engaging the meditative practices of Astrodharma.

Check out this Portals to Presence Chart. It uses targeted, archetypal self-inquiry questions to unleash the meditative power and presence embedded into all twelve signs of the zodiac.

Viola! Authentic operational mysticism.

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