Astrodharma Transit Report: November 2018


November wants us to confess: There’s only one thing going on down here. Spiritually, politically or in the dynamics of personal love, the challenge is essentially the same: How can we balance head-born Aries individuation with the pressed-together world of the Pisces feet? How can we be mad enough to be mortal, sane enough to disappear?

Until we learn to meditatively straddle separation and oneness, ego will continue to swing us between atomized individualism and muddy codependence, haughty Nationalism and the homogenizing “peace” of Socialism. The trick is to cultivate equanimity by awakening as the dreamer of this bipolar drama. The good news: November applies the pressure we need to do just that.

Nov 7th New Moon in Scorpio

Personal Meaning
Trine to Neptune and sextile Pluto, the emotional intensity of this Sun/Moon conjunction in Scorpio contains a spiritual release valve, helping us to harvest life-transforming messages from our Neptunian dreams and meet the potentially vicious geopolitical tug-of-war between the bordered and the border-less (Aries/Pisces) with Jupiterian faith in the larger arc of life.

Political Meaning
This exceptionally intense New Moon takes place the day after the U.S. midterm elections. Due to the Neptune/Jupiter influence mentioned above,  the candidates who win are likely to be those whose base is motivated, not just by politics, but by a kind of transcendent vision (Neptune/Jupiter). The accompanying Mercury/Neptune square heightens the probability that the CorpGov media will attempt to manipulate the masses by framing grown adults as victims, arousing “idiot compassion.” Prepare for voter fraud and an inconclusive voter tally that results in calls for a recount.

Nov 17th Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius

Given that Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius ten days later, it’s not hard to imagine what this visceral, instinct-stirring New Moon might do to intelligent Sagittarian debate.  Time to humbly ask: Did my demonizing innuendos contribute to this blindly righteous anger, and revolt?

Venus Retrograde in Libra

Venus continues its retrograde motion until November 15th. Opposed Uranus all month, Venusian partners continue to be challenged to loosen their grip and see the advantages of perspective-giving distance. Gratefully, this Venus retrograde energy switches from the brutishly confrontive sign of Scorpio to the breezy, collaborative sign of Libra the day before the New Moon on November 7th. Translation: the heavy, self-reckoning vibe gives way to a more optimistic, big-picture understanding of how to move relationships forward. Couples: hang in there!  Venus is going direct and Jupiter is moving into the buoyant, faith-filled sign of Sagittarius for an entire year on Nov 8th.  If your relationship is divinely-ordained enough to pass through this disruptive, passion-cooling period, a mutually agreeable way forward is bound to be revealed after Mercury goes direct on December 6th.

Nov 23rd Full Moon in Gemini
Opposed Jupiter in Sag, and in a T-square with Mars in Pisces, this mentally combative Full Moon continues to challenge us to notice how we identify with our beliefs and opinions (synaptic activity that disappears without a trace when the body is lowered into the grave!) Judging the way other’s protest- or fail to protest? Stop it. Instead, get to the Sagittarian root of the matter by feeling into how you allow conditioned opinion to eclipse your fullness of Being and, as a result, fall prey to the identity-grasping need to “being right.”

Time to inquire:

What watches ownership of belief? Is timeless presence smart or simple-minded?

As we move towards December, our faith in life continues to blossom despite whatever Uranian turmoil unfolds in the stock market and the streets. Buffer yourself from the ego-storm by plunging into the study of inspiring, ageless Sagittarian truth.  Professionally free yourself by designing a new coaching website or an online course. Enter an apprenticeship or synthesize those random writings into a book.

Don’t be a half-hearted detective!

We all have a me-story whose tireless mission is to “score” other souls on the basis of their opinions and personality traits instead of savoring Boundless Being at discernible stages of Self-remembering.

Why are we so addicted to this superficial scoring? Because we get to feel like a solid, separate “scorer,” and, in this way, sidestep the temporarily disorienting process of returning to our true position: awareness, itself.  This being the season of Scorpio, the shadow-hound, it’s time to confess and release our half-hearted detective habits and dig deep below the “trait-bait” to the benevolent heart of those we disagree with.



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