April 8th Total Solar Eclipse Special


WE ALL have ideas about what we’re going to do “someday:” a repugnant word to the enterprising Aries archetype. “Start now,” barks Aries, and let “someday” go dark.

Imagine, then, what happens when the Sun and Moon fuse together in the sign of Aries (New Moon) which happens every April. The “bark” turns into a harmonized howl as the entire globe gets zapped with the risk-taking fire we need to make a fresh start.

Now let’s take that same Aries Moon and have it cast a precisely aimed shadow over the earth that makes it appear (for three minutes and 38 seconds) to be larger than the Aries Sun: a total Solar Eclipse.

Suddenly, the howling stops– replaced by the awesome silence of the void. An uneasiness stirs. Then we see it: our “need to feel secure” (the Moon) can only be satisfied by allowing an obsolete identity (the Sun, and its associated way of life) to pass away.

The message is clear: this eclipse wants us, “clean slated.”

An old template wants to be removed so a new template can be inserted. But this can only happen when an ill-fitting me-story that’s been hidden inside us is fully confessed, felt and exposed. The shadow period of the eclipse represents an opportunity for profound self-reckoning, after which we can pivot into a more satisfying, soul-honoring life.

But wait. There’s more!

Now take that “black Sun” and stir it together with a courageously introspective Mercury retrograde in Aries while the asteroid, Chiron: “the wounded healer,” arises (astonishingly) at the same degree and minute as this Aries eclipse (19 degrees, 24 minutes) and the stage is set for some heroic, full-bodied confession.

Provided we administer the proper Chironic funeral rights (by feeling ourselves free of dead trajectories and, thereby, making room for an authentic path of soul) this eclipse has the power, over the coming months, to fast-track a subtle self-betrayal into a peacefully empowered gift.

Let that sink in.

No more hiding. We, “the immortals who are mortally wounded,” are being given an opportunity to radically reset and stand proud as we incandesce into an instrument of gutsy, soul-honoring I-AM-ness.

Yes, this eclipse season may be challenging. Some will be pushed into “forced release.” Others will pivot into fresh opportunity. Most will experience a mixture of both. The important thing is to stay focused on the ultimate benevolence of this time, which becomes crystal clear as we contemplate the role of Chiron.

Spatially and symbolically, Chiron is the bridge between Saturn and Uranus, urging us to take personal responsibility (Saturn) for the channeling of higher consciousness (Uranus). What does that look like in everyday life? Here’s a hint:

“Talking” is a misnomer. We are encoding other brains with frequencies.

Solar eclipses were once thought of as a time when Kings fall. Perhaps. But they are, more fundamentally, opportunities for a inner tyrant– a defeatist story about who we are and what is possible for our life– to be gloriously dethroned.

Not sure what needs to “go dark” or where to pivot? Let’s look together at what this eclipse season lights up in your birth chart. Email me to schedule your personalized Solar Eclipse Reading.

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