Astrodharma Transit Report: February 2024

FEBRUARY is electric; a barrage of benevolent “zaps” that help us become more spiritually sovereign and cognizant of our moment-to-moment impact on the collective psyche. All planets are direct until April 2nd when Mercury goes retrograde, making the next two months (February and March) a stellar time to move forward on a host of projects.

But there’s a catch. The month begins with a stampede of disruptive Uranus squares and planets conjunct in Aquarius (culminating on the 17th/18th). If we wish to stay optimally focused and productive, we will need to turn each wave of worrisome social upheaval into a catalyst for “causeless happiness.”

What does this brave new happiness look like? Well, it’s a subtle resting in the goodness of life, itself; an affirmative glow that arises unbidden from the meditative fullness of Being. Most important, it’s a joy that’s deeply humble. Why? Because it reveals what our past stabs at happiness really were: overcompensations for the nameless, underground misery of orphaned ego.

Hats off to Huxley:

Actual happiness always looks pretty squalid in comparison with the overcompensations for misery. And, of course, stability isn’t nearly so spectacular as instability. And being contented has none of the glamour of a good fight against misfortune, none of the picturesqueness of a struggle with temptation, or a fatal overthrow by passion or doubt. Happiness is never grand.

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Aquarius: Bridge between Capricorn and Pisces

Perhaps you’ve heard: Deep diving Pluto moved into the activist sign of Aquarius on January 20th for twenty years: a profound generational shift. In addition, Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, went direct on January 27th. Time to harness the higher octave aspects of the Aquarian archetype by understanding it as a bridge between the previous sign, Capricorn, and the following sign, Pisces.

Wanna sip meaning from the cup of chaos? Memorize this progression:

Capricorn plays by the rules within a system. Aquarius updates the rules to better attend to the needs of the common man. Pisces, the crescendo of the Zodiac, enriches these activist upgrades with meditation and soul-seeing skills without which even the most healthy, egalitarian community would devolve into a compressed field of egos.

Pluto in Aquarius: a Sneak Preview

We would be wise to step back and study February. Why? Because it presents us with a preview of the themes we will be working with over the next 20 years. Will it be protest or pitchforks? People-empowering upgrades or easy to co-opt civil wars?

When underhanded Pluto moves through the techy sign of Aquarius, faceless institutions oppress the masses in insidious high-tech ways, too frightening for most to consider. Think: radiating, spraying, border invading, bloodstream degrading.

Aquarius moves us away from hot wars into coldly applied energy weapon assaults that play out on a global scale. The citizens of every country must now learn to identify and defend against these assaults until the day we evolve into the higher octave “age of Aquarius.”

Luminous Offsetting Impact

Fortunately, Aquarius also rules “awakening.” That means, no matter how Big Brothery it gets out there, the power to shift the collective consciousness increases apace, endowing us with luminous offsetting impact.

What does luminosity look like out there on the streets? Again, we will need to weave Aquarian activism with Pisces presence. Perhaps this article will provide a creative spark:

The seditious hush of flash mob meditation

February Transits

The month begins with Big Brother malaise, power plays and expose’s. Will dark fascination pull attention away from holy sensation? If so, how quickly will we recover and regain Pluto’s precious laser-like focus?

Bored by the antics of your own and other’s automated ego? Great. February is the perfect time to awaken the art of felt archetype. What arises in people who see through the me-story malaise to a soul’s divinely ordained Style of Awakening?

In short: A passion for showing up fully as a soul-mirror.

Aquarius is rational, deductive. How can one know that God exists? Simple. Nothing less the deliriously unimprovable every fully satisfies us.

Why do we get depressed? Simple. We enjoy the play then pretend we don’t. Who sees that?

Feb 10th New Moon in Aquarius

As we draw nearer to the Uranus-squared New Moon in Aquarius on Feb 10th, Chiron is conjunct the north node until the 19th. Time to empty ourselves of mythological deadness and channel the superhero sentience longing to meditatively mend our fractured Aquarian community.

Great time to join (or form) a sangha. Why? Because, minus allies in awakening, we are human driftwood.

February 24th Full Moon in Virgo

On February 24th, a no-nonsense Full Moon (conjunct Saturn) occurs in the sign of Virgo, sharpening our awareness of the areas of life that need to be more strategically managed and marked with clearly defined milestones. Hard work, organization and health protocols beg to be built into everyday routine. Thank you, Father Saturn, for giving us the disciple to do it!

Hunter Reynolds

Planetary Transits for February 2024

Feb 2nd- Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio
Feb 5th- Mercury enters Aquarius
Feb 9th- New Moon in Aquarius
Feb 13th- Mars enters Aquarius
Feb 16th- First Quarter Moon in Taurus
Feb 16th- Venus enters Aquarius
Feb 18th- Sun enters Pisces
Feb 23rd- Mercury enters Pisces
Feb 24th- Full Moon in Virgo

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