Astrodharma Transit Report: December 2022


DECEMBER is a retrospective time of year, corresponding to the beginning of old age. 

At a certain point in the aging process one starts being less personal or interpersonal and more transpersonal. This life stage is symbolized by the last four signs of the zodiac: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

With the personal and interpersonal signs in the rear view mirror, our values change. 

Helping others make meaning out of their life experience (Sagittarius) becomes more important than “my truth.” The legacy of our professional accomplishment (Capricorn) becomes more important than personal success. Supporting healthy community leaders and egalitarian governing models (Aquarius) becomes more compelling than satisfying our own need to belong. The frequency of grace and soulful guidance (Pisces) flowers from meditation and private retreat.

This being the first December since the jab-a-thon ended, the need to activate the pattern-seeing “Sage” in Sagittarius and make meaning of the last three or so years is particularly strong.

The month starts with both Venus in Sagittarius and Mercury in Gemini forming squares to Neptune, arousing a flurry of dreams and visions that are quickly tempered by Capricorn realism.

During this first week, resist the temptation to prematurely test these visions. Plenty of time for that. Instead, greet your friends and partner’s brainstorming enthusiasm with “yes, and…” Build on these bursts of possibility so as to capture the gold at their core. This is a time of creative abandon when the responsible thing to do is sing, write, dance and dream aloud. Liberate your soul and embody the frequency of grace.

Later, when Venus and Mercury move into Capricorn (on the 9th and 17th, respectively) you can begin the process of sifting fantasy from fact.

The adage for the Full Moon in Gemini conjunct Mars on the 7th is, “No sudden actions or truth-bombs.” Our embryonic visions need time to mature and we are unusually vulnerable to verbal impatience. If you pass this test, the rest of the month is downhill.

As we move closer to the New Moon in Capricorn on the 23rd we begin the long, patient process of turning the dreams that survived scrutiny into reality. An empowered new business project may take shape. Immediately afterwards (from December 29th until January 18th) Mercury will be retrograde in Capricorn signaling a nose-to-the-grindstone season of strategic planning and organization.

By Jan 22nd all planets will be transiting direct and your humility and patience will more than likely bear fruit.

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