Astrodharma Transit Report: October, 2022


OCTOBER BEGINS with Mercury retrograde going direct in Virgo on the 2nd. Opposed Neptune and squaring Mars, communication may be choppy for a few days.

In terms of speaking style, be like a carpenter: “Measure twice, cut once.”

The first three weeks of the month (until the 23rd) prod us to strengthen Venusian bonds of love and trust, culminating with a heart-opening Sun/Venus conjunction on the 22nd. Sublime.

Co-arising with the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, this is a great time to practice meditative relating: “not-knowing, out loud, together.” Not sure what that means? Perhaps this month’s Astrodharma Podcast will get you in the mood.

Opportunities exist in the areas of spiritual practice, creative absorption and the launching of a course or school. Done well, these weeks of soulful enrichment will cushion and carry us through the approaching upheaval which “goes hot” starting Oct 23rd and continues until early December as Eclipse Season overlaps with the final Saturn/Uranus square.

Resolve interpersonal conflicts before the 23rd. After that, leave the monster under the bed and focus, instead, on providing support to the people in your life.

Think of late October to early December as an extended vision quest. A great rumbling can be heard in the distance as luminous tears stream down our cheeks. Be honest. Can you think of a better way of turning every eye into a soup kitchen?

On Oct 30th, Mars in Gemini will be retrograde all the way until January 12th. Use these 2 1/2 months to do the background work required before launching a project. Great time to design a curriculum or write a book.

By the end of October, you should be grounded and prepared.

It’s eclipse season, after all. We have a solar eclipse in Aries on Oct 25th followed by a particularly volatile Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus on November 8th. The two week window between these two Eclipses (Oct 25-Nov 8): a report card revealing how solid our sense of living in guided universe truly is.

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