Astrodharma Transit Report: August 2022

AUGUST BEGINS with an electric, triple conjunction of Uranus, Mars and the North Node (amplifier of things that effect the future).

On the positive side, this conjunction has the power to deliver sudden insights that open us to new life and new worlds.

Feeling unsure about how to move forward? The first two weeks of August catalyze an epiphany about our life-path. Square Saturn and opposed South Node, this T-square provides the fire to fully commit to a future plan and create a solid, new foundation.

New beginnings, of course, require decisive endings. That’s where the “let the dead be dead” square to Saturn steps in. Saturn gives us the discipline we need to overcome delays, work with the thorny details and jump through the hoops that will successfully materialize our newly crystalized goal.

On the stressful side, the “kick in the but” we need to finally move forward may be delivered via a collective shock in some Taurus area of life: monetary system, commodities, food. Already, we’re seeing gas prices triggering food shortages and protest.

August is a wrecking ball to outdated structures.

Much depends on how completely (indeed, madly) we say “yes” to the shock of change. There’s a fine line between excitement and stress. August can be a revelation, providing we turn down the fear and turn up the crazy wisdom.

There is, after all, such a thing as “positive stress” and, in some ways, these kind of threats to our nervous system are even more insidious and disorganizing than the crude, fear-based variety. One could even say that “ego” is our “pleasure threshold.”

?Astro-savvy souls will spend August asking,

How much of the suffering of my past was fueled by a crisis of imagination and what new trends are unfolding now that I might benefit from, if I get out in front of them?

“Awake in August” means: responding creatively, while others are merely reacting.

Got personal planets or points between 15 and 21 degrees in fixed signs? Lucky you. You get a chance to convert “nervous knowing” into the sublimity of story-less presence.


By harnessing the genius of Mercury in Virgo which is the opposite of “panic thinking.” Humble and Zen-like, Mercury in Virgo moves us, step by humble step, to the completion of the task at hand.

Transits for August 2022

Jul 31st- Uranus conjunct True Node
Aug 4th- Mercury enters Virgo
Aug 5th First Quarter Moon in Scorpio
Aug 11th- Venus enters Leo
Aug 11th- Full Moon in Aquarius
Aug 19th- Last Quarter Moon in Taurus
Aug 20th- Mars enters Gemini
Aug 22nd- Sun enters Virgo
Aug 24th- Uranus Retrograde in Taurus
Aug 25th- Mercury enters Libra
Aug 27th- New Moon in Virgo

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