Astrodharma Transit Report: July 2022


THE THEME for the first half of July (until the Plutonic Full Moon in Capricorn on the 13th) is “disrupt the outdated.” It’s a time to reposition and prepare. Beginning the second half of the month- and for the next three months (until mid-October)- the speed of change accelerates dramatically.

From July 26th to August 2nd unexpected events push us to make a clean brake from dead habits and lonely lifestyle patterns. Staying conscious at this time virtually demand that we move into a larger, more cosmic perspective that allows us to see disruption as divinely guided, purposeful and “right on time.”

Think of it as a free pass to the “Faith Gym.”

During late July and into early August (culminating on August 1st-3rd) Uranus, Mars and the North Node will be conjunct in the sign of Taurus, followed by a Aquarius Full Moon that squares this energy point on August 11th. This is the standout configuration for the entire year. Best to get situated well before this time and begin moving forward with projects attuned to the revolutionary changes of this time.

“This is my Place, These are my People”

Venus goes into Cancer on the 18th. Then, on July 31st Uranus conjuncts the Moon’s north node. This is an excellent time for group connections. No matter where you find yourself at the end of July, chanting the above mantra could help re-direct ego’s fear and self-absorption into service to the community of hurtable humans immediately around you.

Looking ahead: On October 2nd, Saturn makes its final near-exact square to Uranus, leading to social tensions and upheavals similar to the one’s that took place during the first exact Saturn/Uranus square on Feb 18th, 2021. Expect massive social upheaval in the time leading up to the November 8th U.S. Presidential election.

There’s a fine line between excitement and stress this month. The planets shout, “Walk it!”

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