Holy Smoke or Storied Bloke?

ARE THESE TIMES more fearsome than others? Perhaps. But, let’s be honest: ego-on-a-countdown was born in a fearstorm and ego-on-a-countdown will die in a fearstorm. Not so, our Timeless Presence.

McVirus, aside, our predicament remains the same: the hairdo’s and happenings continue to bob and dance all around us as mind seeks happiness by manipulating the contents of awareness, while soul sips sweetness from awareness, itself.

The zodiac concurs:

Will we abide as the radiant center of this planetary merry-go-round? Or will we ride dizzy at its circumference? The stakes aren’t just personal. Each vantage point populates the world with a different kind of human.

Astrology sees personality as drifting archetypal smoke: divinely flavored incense with unique inductive powers that sacralize the space we show up in and accentuate the temple-like nature of earth.

Said another way,

This smoke was designed to blow away; the mystery is kind, come and play.

Mr. Mind, on the other hand, sees personality as a dense knot of me-stories– some likable, some not. Strong positionality about the imaginary “others” makes ego’s “passing cloud” nature feel solid, stable, real: immune, for a moment, to the microbial manslaughter drawing closer with every breath.

So which will it be: Holy smoke or storied bloke?

The question is both playful and deadly serious.

“Playful,” because naked seeing is fully vaxxed against this dream of separation. Our deepest essence remains untouched.

“Deadly serious,” because ego’s fear of being reabsorbed into the Merciful Witness drives us into compulsive, identity-hardening role play. We “ghost” our soul, seduce others to do the same and live haunted by a nameless shame.

The purpose of Astrodharma? To help us quit falling for the “trait bait” and strengthen our soul-seeing skills. To replace the smelly play of personality with divinely ordained “styles of awakening.” To transition us out of the fearstorm, into The Friend.

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