Astrodharma Transit Report: September 2020


SEPTEMBER BEGINS with a swoony Full Moon in Pisces on the 2nd. Savor this dreamy interlude. Chant, pray, silently commune. Go back to the time before time existed. Here’s a chant to set the mood.

Take full advantage of the friendly aspects that this Full Moon makes to the “scary gangsters” (the Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter conjunction). In this way, we gather the devotional momentum needed to carry us through the challenges of the coming weeks.

Why, exactly, do we need this spiritual running start? Because, lurking in the shadows of this Full Moon is a riotous tug-of-war poised to boil over during the second half of the month (18th onward) when Mercury opposition Mars forms a T-Square with “the Gangsters.” On the way there, we’re blessed with a motivating and productive grand trine in earth that coincides with a tense and conflictual grand square in Cardinal signs.

This powerful juxtaposition of trine and square creates an alternating current of ease and tension, faith and dismay, constantly prodding us to convert anxiety into creative fire; impatience and frustration into wholehearted release into the unfathomable timing and intelligence of life. There now. If that’s the legacy of 2020, it was worth every ominous, ugly minute, no?

Mars Square Saturn: The Mystic Maker

But wait. Saturn/Pluto offers more than just faith. It’s a full-fledged mystic-maker. But in order to grind anxious ego into delirious dust, “the Gangsters” will need a little help from the red planet.

For the next two months (until just before the U.S. election on Nov 3rd) Mars retrograde in Aries will square the gangsters, constantly giving, then taking away; granting forward movement, then clobbering us with a period of backsliding stagnation. It’s a conspiracy of love designed to frustrate all egoic grabs for power, purpose and knowership (Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter). Why? To see whether we curse or pray. To test the depth of our understanding that we are players in God’s dream and that all our “getting somewhere-ness” was just a cherry on the top of God’s doing.

Mars square Saturn, in particular, is a mystic-maker. Why? Because Saturn exudes love by making the karmic consequences of things black and white. Contracting into survival fear? Opportunities instantly come to a grinding halt. Exercising disciplined commitment to a genuine soul-calling? Your charisma suddenly attracts more clients and material support. Whenever we act from ego, Mars/Saturn delivers an instant, stinging reprimand. Now, imagine the fireworks that take to the sky when you throw in a few months of simmering, isolation-induced aggression.

Ego Ambush

Think of it as a nowhere-to-move “ego ambush” that delivers a thousand tiny cuts from the razor blade of desire. In the face of frustration and delay, ego goes to extremes. One minute we’re arrogantly forcing, the next minute we’re depressingly flaccid. Gradually, doer-ship as a whole starts to look dangerous– even insane. Ambitions keep narrowing until, finally, all we want is the fullness of being. This is Mars/Saturn priming us for a mad, Rumi-like encounter with The Friend.

Don’t get me wrong. A lot of good work can get done this month, providing we’re heroically humble and monkishly bold. Perfect for a painstaking, behind-the-scenes project or an immersive course of study that steadies our psyche as the collapse comes to a crescendo. Need more discipline and organization? No problem. That’s why God created New Moons in Virgo.

Sep 17th New Moon in Virgo: Time to Re-brand?

Sometimes an uninvited dream confers a more realistic business plan than any market-tested strategy. With the Sun and Moon conjunct in Virgo, opposed Neptune and trining “The Gangsters,” an attractive, but “unrealistic,” life-path can suddenly look timely and do-able. You see the steps, the world is ripe, and you have no doubt about the soul-esteem that will arise once you take on this new role because the aliveness is already peeking its head out as you picture yourself overflowing this newfound service to the world.

Covid Spiritual Practice:
Deathbed Training

Ever wonder what the essential message of this virus is? Simple:

Imagine showing up slobbering drunk at a funeral. Can you think of anything more disrespectful? Now imagine showing up drunk at your own funeral. That’s what we do when we stumble into bed, drunk tired and numb to our passing into the other world. This is ego saying F-you to Saturn’s nightly deathbed training. “How tragically un-strategic,” says Saturn. “Let’s smear death all over the face of the planet,” says Pluto. Enter Coronavirus.

Dinner Prayer for September:
All quivers beneath Your silent immensity.

Powerful Covid Music!
Calming/consoling: click here>
Empowering/manifesting: click here>

On your altar:
Silence swaying to the beat of disaster
Sky dressed up like a weather forecaster
To the speed of grace, mind says “faster!”
Perceiver-in-chief: my Lord and master

~Brave New Prayers

Transits for September 2020 (PST)
(Please post subtitles on your calendar!)

Sep 2nd- Full Moon in Pisces
Gather devotional momentum
Sep 5th- Mercury enters Libra
Sep 6th- Venus enters Leo
Sep 9th- Mars goes Retrograde in Aries
I am a cherry on the top of God’s doing.
Sep 10th- Quarter Moon in Gemini
Sep 12th- Jupiter goes Direct in Capricorn
Sep 17th- New Moon in Virgo
Behind-the-scenes re-branding
Sep 22nd- Sun enters Libra
Sep 23rd- Quarter Moon in Capricorn
Sep 27th- Mercury enters Scorpio
Sep 29th- Saturn goes Direct in Capricorn
Sept 29th- Mars square Saturn exact
There is no final solution– save, who we are

Next Mercury Retrogrades:

  1. Oct 13- Nov 3rd, 2020
  2. Jan 30- Feb 20, 2021

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