I HAVE NEVER met a mind (political, psychological or spiritual) that deeply wants to be here.
Ego claws at the world to survive, even as it resents it for swallowing it alive.
This lack of “full incarnational choosing” undermines all of mind’s world-saving and soul-saving aspirations.
Only the Unborn, Undying, Imperishable can fully and wholeheartedly choose a moment (or a lifetime) in this animal body because only it has a direct, full-bodied experience of this place as a dream, and– since dreams don’t need saving– the nervous system can then operate in a relaxed and resourceful enough state to show up, care for, and sustain this earthly stage-set, for the benefit of all souls to continue evolving here.
Fortunately, we have an entire cosmos devoted to helping us return to this fullness of Being— un-numbed by archetypal possession and reactive role play.
The mechanics of this homeward-guiding grace can be glimpsed through astrology: the planetary prods designed to help us break free of mind’s orphaned ego trance and live as avatars of God’s being.
And so today, let us give thanks for God’s ceaseless attempts to catalyze the “wise loving” that only “the divine stare” can pull off.
And let us pray that a critical mass of souls might one day settle into a practice of meditation, self-inquiry and service-to-sangha that has the power to awaken this “full incarnational choosing,” so that our political, psychological and spiritual attempts to help and heal the planet might one day be grounded in God enough to be realized.
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