Astrodharma Transit Report: December 2019


DECEMBER HAS a “calm before the storm” feel. Our best shot at injecting “ho ho ho” into the “humbug? Tap into your inner philosophy clown. Weave whimsy into the weightiness even as you prepare for the collective colonic: the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of 2020. Here’s three steps:

1) Build faith-in-life momentum

Build “faith-in-life” momentum through the study of inspiring Sagittarian dharma and a merciful, mood-watching meditative practice that allows you to giggle at ego’s morbid podcast. The most person-pixilating time to meditate? The Pisces ashram hours.

2) Feel more deeply into your loved ones

Feel into the psychic predicament of the ones you claim to know and love. Ask yourself:

What kind of wounds, insecurities and nameless anxiety, do they walk around with? What type of upheaval and loss has historically caused them to lose faith in life and, more importantly, what soul-affirming feedback and support might you offer them now– before this karmic loop tape repeats?

3) Find a 2020 mentor

Get into a relationship with a coach or teacher who can track and support you through the ups and downs of this next year. Already an established (or budding) teacher/mentor? Great. 2020 wants to deepen your soul-mirroring skills by putting you in regular contact with someone capable of shining a compassionate, ego-cornering light on your growth-edges. Someone, perhaps, with a track record of coaching the coaches.

Your Colonic Question

During the last 10 days of the month (21-31) as we draw nearer to the Saturn/Pluto “hot zone,” please have your colonic question posted and ready to go:

Would a deeper commitment to_________ make it more fulfilling, or is life asking me to release and pivot in a new direction?

Either way, Saturn/Pluto demands tenacity and toughness. Think: soul-honoring work with extreme self discipline. Saturn/Pluto says, “Make a promise that it would kill you not to keep– or drop it altogether.”

How will this transit affect me personally?

Depends on which house and angles this conjunction is lighting up. Do you have personal planets in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) between 1 and 15 degrees? Relax. Saturn/Pluto has already removed the deadwood from your life. Got Cardinal planets between 16 and 26 degrees? This is your pruning time. Will it be brutal or empowering? Depends on how willing you are to get support. Willing? Get ready for some graceful unburdening.

Note for fridge:

It’s only through loss that we are brought into direct contact with that which we can never lose. ~Mark Jones

The value of accelerated corruption

Socio-economic seers are getting fixated on the exact day of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction (Jan 12th). Not helpful. This transit will take a good a year to play out. Nail-biting ego wants a neat and tidy purge, but Pluto/Saturn knows that sometimes corruption has to accelerate and deepen before it can be exposed and collapsed.

Dec 12th Full Moon in Gemini
Visioning your 2020 life

This communion-catalyzing Full Moon forms a T-square to numinous Neptune, causing the veil to thin. A divine time to sit down with a trusty soul-mirror and take turns envisioning a more soul-honoring life. Beware: mind may attempt to abort this messy, re-imagining process by calling you “ungrounded and unrealistic.” Humbug! It’s important to feel the contours (however vague) of the life your soul swoons for. There. Now you have a shimmering, soul-infused template to hand off to hard-nosed Capricorn for reality-testing and revision on the December 26th Solar Eclipse.

Dec 26th New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn:
Breaking free from a reputable cage

This Solar eclipse in Capricorn is conjunct Jupiter and trine Uranus: a fertile mix of endings and opportunity. Sometimes our inner fullness of being can’t blossom until we let go of a professional story about who we. Enter Uranus: thrower of wrenches into the gears of the miserably secure. Don’t curse the grinding! This is God helping us break free of a reputable cage so we can spill more of our gifts out onto the world.

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