Astrodharma Transit Report: September 2018


SEPTEMBER GROUNDS and releases us. It starts with a 10 day barrage of way-showing grand earth trines that lead up to a project-initiating New Moon in Virgo on Sep 9th. Apply yourself fully during the first three weeks so you have enough Zen  momentum to sail through the Saturn-squared Full Moon in Aries on Sept 24th when the food fight going on in the U.S. midterm elections will likely spill out onto the world stage, triggering a kind of collective Venus Retrograde crisis.  What might that look like? To prepare for all contingencies, I suggest going to the belly of the beast.  (See section entitled, Institutionalized pedophilia; proof that innocence rules the world.) 

Yes, it’s dark, but it’s actually the first wave of an intelligently timed intervention initiated by the most powerful relationship coach in the universe: Pensive Venus (Oct 6- Nov 16). Trust the plan and stay focused on your own interpersonal upgrades. With Mercury retro now direct (followed by Saturn on Sep 6th and Mars on Sep 10th) it’s no exaggeration to call September the prime time to say “get thee behind me, retrogrades” and start kicking those fledgling dreams and ambitions out of their nest.

Due to the month-long T-square between Venus, Mars and Uranus, this sudden release of pent-up purpose may ask us to reconstellate the sky of our relationships. Uranus says, “Re-energize or let go of tepid partners, friends and communities.” September: a time to notice, and deepen our investment in, whoever evokes full, ego-dissolving presence.

Ambivalent about, yet attached to, a soul, or group? Then you’re vulnerable to two rather inelegant expressions of Uranus:

1) “Imp-jabs”

Does your worldview seem narrowed (or does your forward movement seem hindered) by a friend, partner or group? Remember this: your “supportive” prods to awaken (“imp-jabs”) are, at this time, most likely a symptom of your fear of freeing the other to stray onto a divergent, but equally valid, path. In other words, you’re clinging more than you’re enlightening. Ick! Better to bear the loneliness of your unshared paradigm and find a more receptive soul with whom you can take turns listening each other into Being.

2) Imulsive Intimacy

Alternately, your Uranian indiscretions might go something like this: you’re magnetized to an exciting, boredom-relieving person or group that offers little personal security or sensitivity to your hurtable humanness- or is simply incompatible with your work-a-day lifestyle. Slow down and see what kind of life you’re actually signing up for.

Preparing for Venus Retrograde (Oct 6- Nov 16)

Notice how both of these impy assertions play out interpersonally. That’s because we’ve entered the shadow period before Venus takes Her flashlight down into the basement of our relationships on Oct 6th. Here’s three things you can do this month to ready yourself for October’s intervention.

1) “Eternity with Eyes”

Locate a framed mirror on a wall. Notice how the frame warms and softens the stark reporting of the mirror. In the same way, personalities frame boundless Being, making pure awareness cozy and relatable. Use September to practice seeing faces as frames around an imperishable Being. Eternity with eyes!

Now comes the tricky part: Can you appreciate the equal, interchangeable nature of all mirrors even as you allow yourself to prefer the bronze fig leaf frame over the glued-together rim of Popsicle sticks (or vice-versa)? That’s called Nonduality.

Careful. No fair trading in one fleshy “frame” for another until you’re finish decorating all corners of your psyche according to the original motif you signed up for. Sometimes, all it takes is the re-angling of a single couch to make the whole room “pop.”

2) Get real about your relationship values

Best to put Mars chemistry on the back burner this month. Instead, ask: What shared, rock-solid, Venusian values will help my relationship survive life’s disruptive, ego-dissolving  transits: the love-cooling sobriety of Saturn/Venus transits (every 7 years), the sudden, paradigm-crashing shocks of Uranus, the dark self-reckonings of Pluto and the boundary-dissolving disorientations of Neptune?

3) Confront your relationship karma

September is the ideal time to get a Relationship Reading, before Venus Retro starts poking and prodding in October. Not in a relationship? Even better. You get to go into future pairings with your archetypal eyes wide open.

Are you meditatively self-reckoned?

Astrology is indispensable when it comes to realistically managing one’s psyche, but it is no substitute for meditation. What frequently happens to Astro-phobic souls who focus only on The Witness? Psychology calls it, “Malignant Depersonalisation.” Is there a name for those who tend equally to individuation and Oneness?  I call them “the meditatively self-reckoned.” Are you one of them? Impossible to say from the outside, of course, but here’s a few things that the “med-recked” seem to have in common:

1) They aspire, not so much for “enlightenment,” but a kind of graceful brokenness. Why? Because they know: full ascent demands full descent. How high will they fly from their well-managed launching pad?  God’s business.

2) They are in (or they have a history of being in) committed long-term relationships that exude an atmosphere of ease and mutual fondness due to the fact that their partner was chosen, not so much on the basis of fickle chemistry, but on the recognition of solid friendship, shared spiritual values and, yes, compatible dysfunctions. The result: an amicable alliance that supports a generous, day-to-day overflow of each other’s gifts to the world.

I like how Rupert Spira put it:

We no longer have relationships to fulfill our need for happiness. Instead, we enter them to express, share and celebrate the happiness we already feel arising from a (shared) sense of intimacy with the One Being.

The Sept 24th Full Moon in Aries
Institutionalized pedophilia: proof that innocence rules the world

America is ripe for an “October Surprise” that will swing the midterm elections one way or the other and this stark Saturn square to the September 24th Full Moon in Aries has all the earmarks of a paradigm-smashing, vote-changing trigger. What kind of Venus Retrograde revelations could pack such a punch? You guessed it: assassination or the exposure of institutionalized pedophilia in the upper echelons of (Saturnian) government. Let’s go with the second.

Whether or not this actually happens, is not the point. Asking this question is:

Why would I choose to incarnate at a time when so many in positions of power are getting caught succumbing to this twisted way of touching, tasting and devouring innocence?

The answer comes, paradoxically, as we plumb the lower octave expression of the most virginal sign: Virgo.

Virgo edits, purifies, improves. Why? To create an earthly scene that mirrors God’s heavenly order. Virgo doesn’t just “clean;” it designs spaces in which the details are so well-attended to that it gives the horizontal, form-fixated part of our minds nothing to do, thus redirecting our attention at The Unimprovable. Even Virgo’s internal efforts at purity (diet, health, nutrition), are instinctively tethered to daily regimens that echo the clock-like efficiency of the great wheel of karma spiraling us home.

What happens when Virgo no longer believes there is any divine communion to be jump-started by their consecrated spaces? Simple: they grasp for identity in the role of fault-finder/fixer and satisfy their hunger for soulful communion in the intimacy of shared aversion. They magnify the imperfect, perfectly!

The pedophile employs a similar logic.

The pedophile dilemma

Orgasm- and the feverish, single-pointed state of arousal that precedes it- provides a glimpse of the mind-killing simplicity and silence of who we are. Sex (without love) conjures a spat of timeless presence, then dumps us back into the achingly insufficient, pre-aroused banality that made the lust-ticket so irresistible. The result: increased cynicism and increased desire. Next time, however, the sex will need to be more violently arresting (and aberrantly empowering) in order to deliver the desired jolt of faux communion and release us from the time bound sense of self.

My point is simple: The pedophile (like the mystically vacant Virgo) senses that somewhere in the throes of their unholy intercourse is an untapped proof of God. There is something in the child that is not just innocent, but unborn and impossible to taint that makes them existentially irresistible. Yet, the closer the pedophile comes to this innocence, the more angry and frustrated they become since they are unable to access this purity of presence in themselves. Finally, the contrast becomes intolerable and the innocence of the child is deemed a sickly attractive illusion that must be exposed and broken free of- not just through defilement, but death. When performed as a group ritual, one could imagine that pedophiles experience something akin to what lower-ocatave Virgo does when it gives up on soulful communion and settles for “the intimacy of shared aversion.”

Back, now, to our question:

Why would I choose to incarnate at a time when so many in positions of power are getting caught succumbing to this twisted way of touching, tasting and devouring innocence?

To indelibly impress upon ourselves that there is nothing more powerful or irresistible than the pristine presence of God in man. Innocence rules the world and going numb to its presence can, and will, turn us into monsters.

Pedo-gate or not, this Saturnian full Moon in Aries endows us with the sobriety and guts we need to confess that all minds are asymptomatic pedophiles, desperate for intercourse with- not just the innocent- but the Unborn.

September prayer:

Unborn, undying
imperishable we are
this timeless presence
safe at home
in the heart of god.



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