Astrodharma Transit Update: May 2018


After seven weeks of slogging through a sober, viscous, and often glitchy Saturn/Mercury square in Capricorn (intensified by Mercury retrograde), May offers reprieve.

But first, we need to bow down to the Lord of Time for showing us, once again, what is truly workable and realistic. Then watch, with wonder, as Saturn’s sepia filter is lifted from the lens of our eyes and earth is restored to her crisp, verdant glow.

Creeped out by the cheesy posturing of personalities trying to cover-up their me-story malaise? May shouts, Snap out of it! With Darwin turned down, even the darkest dream animal is dripping with divine intent.

Been working hard on a project? Pushing through periods of grim Saturn discipline? Congratulations. Go public on the Taurus New Moon on the 15th, then spread your message wide during last two weeks of May as Mercury/Uranus trines Saturn.

A word of caution about the hair trigger Uranus/Mars square which goes exact on the 16th. Mind feeds on emergencies- even when they’re emotionally traumatic. Shock, after all, springs us free of self-image. Suddenly, we know the one, sure, right thing to do with our lives. It’s a cheap fix for existential angst. Oh no! Something horrible and historic is happening to mankind! Uranus/Mars scoffs, then prods:

Will you harvest do-ership from this crisis or will you be devastated into presence by the egoic automation- within you, and everyone- that has triggered this crisis?

The last three days of May grace us with an auspicious full Moon in Sagittarius on the 29th that coincides with a grand water trine (Venus/Jupiter/Neptune) that continues through the 31st. A sublime time for meditative relating and sitting in sangha.

Now for the most significant, generational transit of the year:

Uranus in Taurus: The Second Great Depression or A Revolution of Embodied Presence

Uranus rules tech. Taurus rules nature. Clearly, the tension between these two has reached Atlantean proportions. Right on cue, Uranus moves into the sign of Taurus on May 15th for seven years (2018-2025) as if to say, “make peace or go extinct.”

The hour is late and our options are stark: meditative relief from mortality or a brain-numbing sea of 5G.
Ready to shift the paradigm? Study what Uranus rules: Astrology. The most Taurus-friendly tech I know.

Most astrologers focus on the economic ramifications of this transit. Understandable. Taurus rules finance, and Uranus is the proverbial shock jock. What happened 84 years ago when Uranus last shook the Taurean bedrock of society? The Great Depression. Booga booga. Yawn.

Whatever socio-economic disruption happens during this cycle, it will be perceived through the lens of ego-hardening fear or moment-trusting presence. Uranus in Taurus says, get your bug-out bag ready now: meditate.

Our best chance at averting a 3-D Great Depression? Feeling the depression we’re already in.

The most traded currency in the world is attention. Whoever controls that, controls pretty much everything. It’s not just for profit and political advantage. CorpGov wants to jolt us away from “seeing ourselves seeing.” Why? Because no one can control the fullness of Being.

It’s time we come to terms with what money really is: “tickets to embodied presence.” The security and comfort that money brings is designed to ease us into a more relaxed, meditative encounter with what is. But what happens when an entire generation spends so much time staring passively into screens that they’re numb to the presence-christening power of their Taurus senses? Simple. The certificates are never “cashed in.” We work harder and harder for what never quite satisfies. Welcome to the Second Great Depression.

Mind loves the Uranian internet because it promises instantaneous connection and community- minus the humiliation of what a flawed soul-mirror we’ve become for smelly mortals in the throes of egoic reactivity. Why bake in the crucible of relationship when you can have fly-by love and masturbatory Dopamine hits?

How much social upheaval will it take to reawaken our pornified planet to the freedoms we gain by befriending traditional Taurus values? Why stay together? So the Uranian community can watch — day after day, year after year — as an invisible Michelangelo chips away at ego’s crude stump, until something lithe and graceful emerges: a couple united by their enslavement to the Tao.




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