Astrodharma Transit Report: March 2018


THE ADVENT OF the astrological new year (March 20th, 9:15 AM PST) is normally a time of heroically extroverted Aries action and rebirth. Not this year. Due to numerous astrological factors outlined below, our season of “full steam ahead” will be delayed until mid-April. Instead, inner ground wants to be broken. March: a time to meditatively vision the next year, research new ideas and devise strategies and plans to be set in motion during late April/early May.

Map of March

March is framed by two full Moons: the first in Virgo on March 1st and the second in Libra on March 31st. In between, is the new Moon in Pisces on March 17th and the Vernal Equinox/Mercury Retrograde in Aries on March 20/22. Below is a jargon-free distillation of these four benevolent prods from the Shepherding Presence. Suggestion: post the short, thematic phrases on your calendar to keep you flowing through the month.

1) March 1st Full Moon in Virgo
Detoxify and Re-brand

The Full Moon’s Virgo/Pisces polarity challenges us to notice our unique style of karma yoga: the work we care about enough to meditatively disappear into. Prime time to write, study, physically cleanse and purge ourselves of soul-stunting me-stories so we can get hip to what David Whyte calls our “frontier conversation” and move lucidly towards our soul’s next enlivening risk. Then, from our shiny, detoxified eyes we can accurately discern which feisty Aries impulses are soulful and which are self-aggrandizing; which collaborations are desire-driven and which are divinely-ordained.

2) March 17 New Moon in Pisces
Strategic Restraint

Now that a new vision for the next year is stirring, it’s time to start mapping out how we might put flesh on these bones. Daunted by the size of your dream? (Sun/Moon trine Jupiter). Consider this: what appears to be insecure hesitation could be a signal that you actually care enough about this project to proceed humbly and thoroughly. (Mercury/Venus square Saturn). Remember: March is not about mustering Aries confidence; it’s about surrender to a Pisces calling. Notice how the Tao wants to move: slowly, steadily in an atmosphere of strategic Saturnian restraint.

3) March 22-Apr 15: Mercury Retrograde in Aries
Deathbed Discernment

Continue moving at the speed of the Mars/Saturn square. Don’t just be patient; be empty. Allow things to play out before commenting or committing. Key information has not yet come in. It will. Don’t buy, don’t sell, don’t sign. And, if you have to, get everything in writing. Research. Organize. Better your craft. Most important: Burn off that pent-up Aries steam at the gym so you can approach each head full of conditioned me-stories with a modicum of mercy and an eye to how you’ll feel about your words and behavior later, on your Saturnian deathbed.

4) March 31st Full Moon in Libra
Apply unsentimental interpersonal glue

An interpersonal crescendo. A time of deepening commitments or wounding fractures. (Saturn/Mars square Sun and Moon). The chemistry cools. Time to apply a less sentimental interpersonal glue. Ask:

What shared commitment are we both so passionate about
that it outshines all this glitchy miscommunication, frustration, delay?

What timeless calling has the power to turn our mind’s head-butting positionality into amusing, inconsequential background noise, as we continue working together, heads down, in a spirit of Saturnian self-abidance?

March Inquiries

1. What are my positive Pisces escapes from the humdrum of everyday Virgo life? What are my negative ones?

2. What are the humble, daily Virgo routines that support me in converting my god-given vision of right livelihood into 3-D existence?

3. Look around: the alert, problem-solving state of consciousness is ravaging the planet. It takes a lot of stressful effort to ignore what Pisces is constantly whispering in our ear: “Relax. You are a dream animal. Stand tall in your timeless presence.” Ask: What makes this so scary and to whom is not scary at all? Some part of us knows that I AM-ness was there before it descended into our Aries head.

Mantra for Mercury Retrograde in Aries:

Confidence is the language of sexy orphans.

Post it in on your fridge. Now.

Time for a transit reading?

Birthdays and the birth of the zodiac (March 20) are the best times to map out the upcoming year with a Transit Reading. This is particularly true when the equinox takes place (paradoxically) during an inward-leaning Mercury retrograde. Embrace the paradox. Assertively pause and revision so you can hit the ground running into a strategically mapped out, soul-honoring 2018. Scheduling for the next year? Let’s talk.



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