Astrodharma Transit Report: October 2017


THE FIRST SEVEN days of October poke at us until we allow the willful speck we call “me” to fizz and dissolve, Alka Seltzer-like, into the Great Mystery. Trying to speed up the story being told through you so your mind can race ahead for a glimpse of the final outcome? Good luck with that. Logic is not just impotent now; it’s downright eerie, neurotic and pimple-producing. Wait until Venus/Mars stops opposing Neptune immediately after the shadow-eruptive Full Moon on Oct 5/6.

The Oct 5th Full Moon in Aries

At last. The facts are in. They may or may not be pretty, but the volcanic Sun/Moon opposition square to Pluto is now erupting the disturbing, subterranean truths we need to fashion a more soul-honoring life trajectory- especially in relationship. But first, a little homework. Unconscious egos love to emotionally manipulate to get what they think they want from each other. This, of course, is called “daring to be real” and ego wears this hurtful sloppiness like a badge of honor. This  full Moon presses us to ask, What’s my style of emotional manipulation? Guilt-trippy? Self-cutting? In-your-face anger? Icy withdrawal? Enlightened condescension? Playful obfuscation? Time to take a lesson from the Catholics. The gutsier your confession, the more your relationships get a squeaky clean reset and a burst of purified passion. Yum.

Okay, so you’ve demonstrated your commitment to self-reckoning (vs. processing) in the mirror of your beloved’s slowly falling-off face, and this is now igniting a rebirth of aliveness and passion (or culminating a needed death). Either way, the mind is now flooded with new options and you’re now free to reimagine your life.

Doing business? Nail down the details during the sublime Grand Trine in earth signs on October 8th.

October 19th New Moon in Libra

Continue to build new levels of trust into your Libran relationships until the 21st when sensible Saturn takes his lead foot off impulsive Mars. Notice how this damn-bursting period comes immediately after the Uranus-squared October 19th new Moon in Libra.  Bam! Get ready for all kinds of sudden change and upheaval in the surrounding dreamscape. Great time to admit:

On the line between fear and excitement, my Being comes alive.

Fortunately, this, world-rattling New Moon is Trine to Saturn which simultaneously galvanizes solid, quake-proof relationships and community structures. Convert your survival fear into passionate here/now presence by recognizing that collective turmoil has arrived for a purpose: to agitate you into joining (or spearheading) a tight-knit community, galvanized by displacement and shock. No more talk of oneness! Now is the time to make the move into deep, soul-steadying sangha.

Not exactly a community organizer? All the better! Zoom past Aquarian groupthink activism and allow heartbreaking Pisces communion to do all the work. How? By meditating on this phrase:

Awareness is the only healthy tribe.


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