August Transit Update: Whale Song Then Media Fast




THE PROBLEM WITH meditation is that it turns most conversation into subtitled whale song. Weird. Why not let The Incomprehensible speak for itself? Indeed, according to the latest computer data-mining, ego is preoccupied with only six thematic story lines:

1) Rise-fall-rise, 2) Fall-rise-fall, 3) Rise-fall, 4) Fall-rise, 5) Steady fall, 6) Steady rise.

Ouch. The sappy contours of the human drama feel a tad demoralizing, no? Then we see it: this is Grace draining the novelty out of the rat race until we surrender our eyes to the Divine Stare. Brilliant!

Okay, but what does this have to do with the astrological omens of August? Plenty. You see, the essential challenge of the ongoing Saturn/Neptune square is to bring soul-callings into manifestation so our inner Darwin can hold hands with our inner Rumi. For the first ten days of August, this Saturn/Neptune square forms a T-square with Mercury. Prime time to un-busy ourselves enough to notice the subtly looping me-stories (Mercury) that contract and limit (Saturn) our sacred imagination (Pisces).

Next, starting on the full Moon/Lunar eclipse on the 18th, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and Venus climb onto this same T-square. But this time, the focus is more collective. With no shared paradigm, world-savers descend into presence-killing preachiness. Time to take a break from the ego-yanking media so you can see how the collective hope-and-fear narratives drown out the whale song.

Aug 18th Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius: Prime Time for a Media Fast

Lunar Eclipses give us a glimpse into our “shadow self.” The Moon says, “I’ve kept the night light on long enough; now it’s your turn to shine the light of awareness on something endarkened in your subconscious.”

Normally, the full Moon in Aquarius is a time of festive tribe-gathering. Not this time. Not only is the full Moon made more introspective by its eclipsed-ness, it exacerbates the T-square mentioned earlier by seducing unwitnessed egos into Aquarian rebellion based on false memes and squeezing the “groupthink zealot” out into the street, like a collective pimple. Yuck! For this reason, I recommend that you plan your relaxing vacation during the first half of the month and spend the second half working quietly at home on a media fast. Time to say “yes” to Saturn going direct and conjuncting Mars by focusing on a disciplined, creatively absorbing project, undistracted by the corporate meme-makers. Finish up Solar left-brain projects now whilst putting together some creative, right brain homework to bring down into your cave when Mercury goes retrograde on Aug 30th.

Still getting a perverse zing from the media’s polarizing half-truths? Time to ask:

Am I bored with my life? Am I getting on with my karmic responsibility to discover the Saturnian service I am most naturally absorbed and invested in?

Not sure? Careful. A mind can go bat crazy when there’s no healthy deliverance from the time-monster eating us alive. Try this:

Lunar Eclipse Note For Fridge:

Ego-dissolving activity eradicates outer enemy thinking. This the cornerstone of healthy Aquarian community.

Don’t know about you, but if this is the altar I die on, I can live with that.

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