April 2016 Transit Update: The care and feeding of a worm hole

da153243-cdd5-427e-a093-dcf010d77cadADMIT IT: THE SOLAR and Lunar eclipses of March sent you free-falling through a psychedelic worm-hole. Seduced by the spoon-bending logic of Pisces, ego lost focus, loosened its grip, and released you into a current of karmic inevitability. Poor little flesh-puppet; he was miles downstream before it occurred to him to start clutching at his old life. Subtly or sensationally, March changed us, and no amount of Aries chutzpah or Pisces longing is gonna bend this puppy back into its previous shape. Now what?

First of all, pause. Cultivate a little awe for these “let the dead be dead” eclipse seasons. At any other time, this blackening out of one life to make room for another could have been gnarly. This time (unless there was a sizeable backlog of unconfessed truth to come to terms with) it was not. Give thanks for the Piscean mood of these eclipses – overthrowing the old regime gracefully, almost imperceptibly – like dusk.

Next, use the first half of April (before the 17th when Mars goes retrograde) to decisively choose whatever surreal bounty March plopped into your lap.  Was yours a messy reset? Now is the time to deal with the fallout and bring the old life to a respectable close.

Later, (after April 17th), consider taking some time out to consult with a spiritual elder – as ordained by the continuing Saturn/Neptune/Jupiter T-Square. Why? Because this new chapter of life that you’ve been worm-hole’d into carries with it equal parts Neptune and Saturn, intoxication and sobriety, revelation and disciplined care. You see, it was the job of March and the first half of April to lure you into this new karma. Soon, late April and May will be knocking at your door, smiling like baby-faced missionaries, asking: Are you “born again” enough to take on the renunciation and routine that comes along with this new life? An elder may help you tell the truth to yourself.
Still not sure if you’re ready to join the cult? Schedule a retreat, vision quest or journey on the most shamanic day of the year: the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 22nd.

A Blessed Barrage of Retrogrades
Mentoring You Into a Deeper Faith in Life:
Saturn Retrograde: Mar 25- Aug 13, 2016
Mars Retrograde: Apr 17- Jun 30, 2016
Mercury Retrograde: Apr 28- May 22nd

As the worm hole begins to close and the wonder fades, we will need to tap into some heroic Aries fire to keep thanking (rather than cursing) the April 17th Mars retrograde for slowing down our noble impulses, so we can survey the full spectrum of what we’ve set in motion. (Especially true for folks with personal planets on or near 8 degrees Sagittarius).

As May approaches, call in the wizened restraint of Mercury Retrograde (Apr 28 – May 22) and the continuing Saturn retrograde to help you implement an effective, goal-grounding strategy. Is your new worm hole assignment starting to feel complicated, cumbersome, even grim?  Consider this: If you can slow down, focus, and get at least most of the details right the first time around, you’re actually mentoring others into a deeper faith in life. How? By mirroring to them the way the Divine is, even now, attending to the details of their day-to-day lives. When we call in the Meticulous Guy upstairs, we activate mystical Capricorn down here in the dirt. This is the Saturn/Neptune/Jupiter T-Square pushing us to inspire others by becoming mystics in the matrix. (Click here to read more about this transit).

To summarize, let April, May and June unfold like this:

After a few weeks of humbly marveling at the divinely guided cycles of death and rebirth that continually refresh and reshape our lives, notice how a question comes into view when Mars begins retrograding in Sagittarius on April 17th. Go ahead and write your secret question down, continually consulting and refining it for the next six weeks. Providing you actually do this, there’s a good chance you’ll notice life whispering a soul-satisfying answer later in June when Mars retrogrades into deep-diving Scorpio and Mercury goes direct on May 22nd.

Planning a vacation in July or August? Bring your computer so you can mix work with play. Why? Because this is the time to go full-tilt forward with whatever passions and plans survived this blessed barrage of retrogrades.

April Note for Fridge

Ready to lock eyes with the Divine in April? Post this prayer on your fridge:

Thank you, Great Spirit, for christening me into the godlike nowhere-to-go-ness that softly tempers ambition and desire, allowing all the votes from the Universe to trickle in before I elect some dangerous creep into office.

April Transits

Mar 25- Saturn Retrograde (4 1/2 months)
Apr 5- Venus enters Aries
Apr 5- Mercury enters Taurus
Apr 7- New Moon in Aries
Apr 17- Jun 30 Mars Retrograde
Apr 19- Pluto Retrograde
Apr 22- Full Moon in Scorpio
Apr 28- May 22- Mercury Retrograde
Apr 29- Venus enters Taurus

April Moon Phases
Apr 7- New Moon
Apr 13- First Quarter
Apr 21- Full Moon
Apr 29- Last Quarter

Upcoming Mercury Retrogrades:
1) April 28-May 22, 2016
2) Aug 30- Sept 22nd, 2016
3) Dec 19- Jan 8th, 2017

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