Could Astrology Save the World? 

YES, I KNOW. The question sounds naive. At best. But bear with me. Modern, meditative astrology is not a parlor game; it’s a paradigm.

Seen through the eyes of the average, orphaned ego, the head is a graveyard: every cynical (or soulful) thought about itself continually passing away; every moment tainted by the subliminal more>

November 2015 Transit Update: Playboy has come full circle. Have you?

JUST IN TIME for the first of three exact Saturn/Neptune squares on Nov 26th, Playboy Magazine just announced a return to veiled beauty. Effective March 2016, no more full nudes. It seems the divine feminine is reclaiming her archetypal teaching power: it takes persistent Neptunian longing for the Unseen to get Saturn (the gritty veil more>

When God Gets Pushy: How to work with lower octave Aries

IT IS THE PRIVILEGED vocation of the Aries archetype (in all of us) to cajole – and, if need be, implicitly push – other souls into showing up as embodied personalities and thereby to have a fighting chance of awakening as pure Piscean awareness enjoying the role play of an Aries ego. This is the more>

October 2015 Transit Update: Are you a crisis management mystic?

OCTOBER IS MUCH LIKE the third and final stage of a vision quest, which is called “Incorporation.” The quester hikes down from the seclusion of the mountain and, before speaking with anyone else, recounts the journey of his/her vision fast (as if it were a symbol-stuffed Neptunian dream) to a Saturnian mentor-guide who was busy more>

Sacred Stock Market: The positive indebtedness that ties us together

THINK OF SEPTEMBER and October as a swirling, socio-economic drug trip whose howling sirens and dying fantasies are remarkably restful – even inspiring – once we decipher their compassionate, way-showing message: there’s a symbiotic relationship between grim realism and flash-in-the-pan escapism, miserable security and Ashley Madison. Every ego (and society) has a unique style of more>

September 2015 Transit Update

KUDOS TO VENUS retrograde for masterminding the Ashley Madison hack. Next comes the Mercury retrograde lawsuits starting September 17. So much for those fickle flashes of union we’ve been so expertly conditioned to lust after. Attraction wants to overflow from Beingness, itself, says Venus retro, not from seductive force-ripening. I like how Mooji put it: more>

Three Cycles of Saturn

EVERY SEVEN YEARS, transiting Saturn conjuncts, squares or opposes the position of Saturn in our birth chart, providing crucial thematic guidance for our ever-evolving soul. Scroll down to your age and see which bread crumb your ego is currently pecking at. (All ages approximate).

FIRST SATURN CYCLE: Age 0/First Breath (Saturn conjunct Saturn): Knot more>

August 2015 Transit Update: Frayed Angels

AUGUST IS A GOOD month to substitute “people” with “frayed angels” and confess that we are, indeed, worn at the edges, but internally brand new. In fact, in Buddhist terms we are not just “new” we are “The Unborn.” That makes “nubile” look downright elderly, no? Yes, there are some ominous portends in the air, more>

Astro-Zombies: The 12 trances of ego and how to break free of them

WELCOME TO “Night of the Living Dead” — a.k.a. “your life.” Like the 1968 movie of the same title, it’s a corny, dated zombie flick with a sly political undercurrent that you and I paid good “money” (birth) to get into. Why, oh Why? Are we cultish nerds, or have we intelligently tapped into more>

Fingers of God: The bifurcating beauty of Gemini

AFTER SUPPLYING the ego with the courage to incarnate and move about with sovereign will (as symbolized by the Aries head), the soul works its way down to the Taurus neck, or “Taproot,” in order to ground itself into the body and, thereby, encounter and sculpt the material world through the five senses. In the more>

June 2015 Transit Report: Wait for the breadcrumbs

JUNE BEGINS with a “show-don’t tell” full moon in Sagittarius on June 2nd and a continuing Mercury retrograde in Gemini that doesn’t release us into full-fledged forward motion until the new Moon in Gemini on June 16th. Squared by Neptune the whole month and opposed by Saturn until the 29th, this introspective retro gives June more>

Veracity to Virus: The four astrological stages of truth-seeking

IN THE YOUTH OF MIND, the world brims with opportunities to orient and confirm the separate sense of self through an ever-widening range of experience-gathering and mental categorization (Gemini). Over time, however, our hard-earned patchwork of self-discovered truths are subsumed by larger themes, impersonal principles and archetypes (Sagittarius). Eventually, even these overarching, paradigmatic patterns are more>

Full Moon in Scorpio: May 3, 2015 at 8:42 pm, PST

ONCE A YEAR, the moon turns into a blazing, axe-to-the-forehead ray of truth. Exactly what truth does this ray wish to illumine? Read on.

Scorpio corresponds to the 8-10pm time period. Why? Because Scorpio wants to stay awake in the dark. Yes, a later time in the night would, perhaps, evoke a more forbidden more>

May 2015 Transit Update: Ritualize the Retro

YOU WOULD THINK a full moon in the intense sign of Scorpio on May 3rd (May 4th in Asia) would play out personally, with lots of psychosexual intrigue and/or disturbing emotional shadow revealing. Not so, in my experience. Instead, the round and ripened quality of the moon tends to amplify the transcendent – even shamanic more>

Astrological War Stories: 12 dramas on the screen of a deeper seer

AS FICTION WRITERS know, all deeply immersive, absorbing stories are war stories:

1) human vs. human 2) human vs. nature 3) human vs. self 4) human vs. God

and they all proceed from conflict to climax to fleeting resolution. Why do we get so drawn in by these edgy oppositions? Because they deliver greasy, fast more>

April 2015 Transit Update: The eclipse zone

WHAT A RAMBUNCTIOUS month! A time to release, recreate and revive. Overview: Initiate the first two weeks; ground during the second two. Will our relationships rebirth and our projects fully flower? Depends on how consciously we navigate “The eclipse zone.”

Eclipses usually take place in pairs. The March 20th Solar eclipse in Pisces was the more>

The Astrology of Prostration: Developing a practice of positive disintegration

THE PISCES FEET are the only part of the human body that is constantly pressed against — merged — with something else. In this sense they symbolize our unbroken connection to the divine ground of Being. The symbolic headquarters of egoic identity (the Aries head), on the other hand, is located as far away from more>

Win Yourself Back: Astrodharma Invocation

Aries: I am phenomenon in the eyes of a deeper seer. I have won myself back.

Taurus: All passing pleasures: finger food for the fullness of Being.

Gemini: All clever word-craft: catalysts for silent communion.

Cancer: Old hurts and defenses: hardened homesickness for You.

Leo: In the fire of pure seeing, self-worth scatters like ash more>

March 2015 Transit Update: Shadow play, the Disney way

MARCH IS A FEISTY if not downright militant month. It begins with a Full Moon in Virgo on the 5th accompanied by a triple conjunction (Venus, Mars and Uranus) in Aries squaring Pluto. This Nazi/Hippie square goes exact on March 16th. Think: corpgov vs. people boom! (Know where this fiery stellium falls in your chart? more>

The Saturn/Neptune Square: Reality check for the dream animal

EVERY SEVEN YEARS or so, Saturn forms a testy aspect to Neptune, and now is just such a time (Dec 23, 2014-Apr 18, 2015 / Oct 15, 2015-Jan 20, 2016 / Apr 13 2016-Oct 31, 2016). I like to think of this 13-month planetary face-off as a unique opportunity to sense into how much of more>

February 2015 Transit Update: Will you die well for me?

FEBRUARY PRESENTS an interesting opportunity: socially engaged introversion. How comfortable can you be “alone together?” It’s as if this Mercury retrograde (in Aquarius until Feb 11) is grooming us for the kind of unwavering self-possession we might need to work calmly, side-by-side during the geopolitically tense and militant March equinox period. Then comes the Jupiter-focused more>

Aries Rape & Pisces Suicide: The everyday violence that drives us to meditate

IN PURELY ARCHETYPAL terms, there is nothing more commonplace than rape and suicide. Why are these two words so highly charged and disturbing? Because of how routinely we engage in subtle forms of both, every single day of our lives.

Indeed, it is the bitter taste of these masculine and feminine faces of violence in more>

January 2015 Transit Update: Preparing for the Ambient Interview

SPEND THE FIRST HALF of January finishing up already-started projects with an eye out for new collaborations and enlivening group projects. Tired of working by your lonesome? Ready to brave the ups and downs of working with another ego? Venus and Mercury moving into Aquarius make this a good time to get out there and more>

December 2014 Transit Update: Blue sky thinking

THE FIRST HALF OF December (particularly on the Full Moon in Gemini on Dec 6th) is a time for blue sky thinking. Take advantage of the grand fire trine (Sun/Jupiter/Uranus) on December 11-12 to confess some irrepressible soul-calling and shatter the glass ceiling on what your mind says is possible for this life. Then, during more>

Eternity-with-Eyes: An Astrodharmic perspective on what it means to be “real”

EVERY EGO HAS A DIFFERENT style of resisting and succumbing to shepherding presence. One might even say that personality is, itself, little more than a real-time outpicturing of this tug-of-war between identity-grasping role play and relaxing into timeless presence enough to see who wants to show up. Why do we spend so much time refusing more>