Astrodharma Transit Report: February 2025

Walking Each Other Home

February blesses us with forward movement. Uranus went direct on Jan 30th followed by Jupiter on Feb 4th, then Mars on Feb 23rd. Time to take a break from the feverish politics, stare into hurtable human eyes and walk each other home.

Every step, an answer to more>

Personhood in Flames: Surviving the L.A. Inferno

TO JUDGE someone is to judge the dysfunction of the family system that helped shape them. Behind whatever crazy-making toxicity may lie in their immediate family, stand generations of ancestors and societies that passed on their unique bias and blind spots.

Finally, zooming all the way out, every so-called “guilty party” is more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: January 2025

2025 demands bloodshot sublimity; a mad, meditative ease embodied, not for ourselves, but for the bankrupt and bereaved: the godless and orphaned in every eye.

For surely grace does not descend into the “miserably secure” without upheaval and disarray, urgency and angst.

How wise were we, then, to take birth during more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: December 2024

THE TRANSITION from November to December (Scorpio to Sagittarius) drives dark reckoning into soul-seeing redemption, with the crack of a whip!

This is the wheel of incarnation pressing us to loosen the grip of psychoanalyzed evil and give thanks for the cosmic privilege of having an awareness to wake up inside of. more>

Astrology: The Ache for Communion

Astrology: The Ache for CommunionIt takes study, contemplation and interactive reality-testing to fairly assess the validity of Astrology’s dharma and enter the realm of “felt archetype.” Nonetheless, millions are now smitten by the code-cracking resolve required to embrace or dismiss it. What’s going on? Why now?The resurgence of astrology is a response to more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: November 2024

The Uncompromised Candidate

Eclipsed by the reptilian suspense of winning or losing is the “condition of all conditions:” a tragically unsavored divine play and a failure to look past mind’s “Hitler du jour” to wrestle free of our own festering evil:

Not pausing long enough to savor boundless Being having a more>

Conscious Blinking: A Meditative Micro-Practice

The world “goes dark” for a fraction of a second approximately 15 times per minute. That’s 21,600 times per day. Blithely, we call it “blinking.” Curious, is it not, how dogmatically we overlook the symbolic shutter built into our face?

Time to turn “eyelid denial” into eyelid dharma.

Subliminal Crying


Astrodharma Transit Report: October 2024

Prayer is not something we do; it’s something we become.

When the spirit of prayer is injected into a conversation, it’s “Say-tonic.” It releases clumps into the brain of separate somebody-ness that causes the stroke we call “communion.”

Why am I promoting prayerful repartee and “ego black-outs?” Because, at this particular more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: September 2024

Gestures of Kindness and Joy in Small Things

September reminds us that happiness is a form of mediumship: a feeling of being well-used by a larger Being; a sublimity that waxes and wanes according to how steadily we soul-mirror the beings God drops into our space.

This is otherworldly Pisces descending more>

Astro Anime: Ode to the Superheroes Stirring in our Flesh

What if the astrological archetypes were superheroes. What names would they go by? What powers would they wield? Here’s my Astrodharmic take:

1) Aries: “I-AM-athon”Transformer of compulsive “selfing” into soulful give and take.

2) Taurus: “KneelEstate”Transformer of miserable security into confess-and-undress rebirth.

3) Gemini: “SamurWhy”Transformer of restless curiosity into targeted more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: August 2024

Ego is the mother of all malware.

Our eternal operating system is constantly attacked by seductive appeals to ditch deathless Being and settle for mortality-hardening role play.

Eternity-with-eyes: relentlessly cyber-attacked by depressing evidence of separation.

The good news: August is fully capable of deleting this presence-clogging data.

With the more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: July 2024

The Dharma of Aging

There’s much to love about July- a time to vulnerably connect, bear responsibility with grace and take assertive action before Mercury retrograde begins on August 5th. But first, we need to understand the overarching themes of more>

Year of the SamurWhy: The Twelve Faces of Jupiter in Gemini

The big news this month is Jupiter moving into the versatile, articulate sign of Gemini for one year. Good to know which house(s) Jupiter will be transiting in your birth chart, as this is where opportunity and expansion are virtually begging to happen. Not sure? Great time to map out the next year more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: June 2024

The Seriousness of a Child at Play

June opens with a week of Gemini lightheartedness: a time of lively conversation and social mixing sure to broaden our horizons and brighten our mood.

Jupiter- which just entered a one year journey through the sign of Gemini on June 25th (see feature more>

Dharma Poem: Roofless World

Roofless World

There’s nothing romantic or liberating about it—this cowering in a sleeping bag,watching the twinkling menacecollapse the screen tentof who I think I am.

It is not some primordial exercise of freedom.A landlord still hovers.The rent is still exorbitant.

In only one wayis it easier out here:I stop my more>

Dharma Prayer: God-Drunk Cyber Punk

Our Father who art in Heaven…

Hallowed be thy name: the “Merciful Witness,” striding across the centuries, deathbeds scattering in Your wake; bless you for whispering from the center of this soul-spiraling wheel of incarnations, enticing us to sprawl shameless in this Victorian lounge chair we call “flesh,” stroke the velvet of more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: May 2024

TO APPRECIATE the full majesty of May we best understand it as one step in the Aries-Taurus-Gemini narrative. April, May and June, you see, are a choir. They sing together as one soul-guiding season.

Aries generates healthy ego through the trial-and-error assertion of identity and will. Taurus slaps form onto Aries intention, more>

Eclipse Poem: Man Cave

Luxurious “man cave!”Emasculated by sensible termslike “air” and “outer space,”

Thank youfor this incandesce-able lampof fleshlegs that give You legroom,and the Merciful Light that floods,(with the flick of a secret, indwelling switch)this living room strewnwith unmemorable low-stakes diversion.

Floater of flesh-boats!Bless you for this eyelash’d immensityand the flashing neonlesson of our more>

Astrodharma Equinox Prayer

As the old rules crumble and the maps we use to navigate our world no longer apply, we take refuge in Your Shepherding Presence, the mysteriously emergent, faintly dotted trail that never fails to sail us through this blinding fog of separation.

For surely there is no one left unbattered by these more>

Astrodharma Talk: Losing Our Knowability

SELF-FORGETTING is what we all have in common. That, and a heartbreakingly resilient “nobility of soul.”

What does the March ramp-up to the lunar and solar eclipses (March 25th and April 8 ) ask of us? To take time to marinate in the pristine awareness that we are and strive for a more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: April 2024


The advice of April is simple– if paradoxical. Thou shalt practice the art of aiming your Aries will at surrender to the Pisces Tao. Said another way: assume the posture of “In-your-face emptiness.”

It takes uncommon Aries guts to pause the do-er and commune with those 40,000 neurons in more>

April 8th Total Solar Eclipse Special

WHEN “SOMEDAY” GOES DARKWE ALL have ideas about what we’re going to do “someday:” a repugnant word to the enterprising Aries archetype. “Start now,” barks Aries, and let “someday” go dark.

Imagine, then, what happens when the Sun and Moon fuse together in the sign of Aries (New Moon) which happens every more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: March 2024

RECENTLY, for the sake of my visiting apprenticeship students here in Okinawa, I’ve taken to rebranding the signs of the zodiac with names that more directly express their wound/gift predicament.

After months of dredging the more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: February 2024

FEBRUARY is electric; a barrage of benevolent “zaps” that help us become more spiritually sovereign and cognizant of our moment-to-moment impact on the collective psyche. All planets are direct until April 2nd when Mercury goes retrograde, making the next two months (February and March) a stellar time to move forward on a host more>

Astrodharma Transit Update: January 2024

The New Year reeks of strategy, straight out of the gate. Mercury Retro goes direct on the 1st, goose-stepping us closer to an auspicious 4 planet pile up in Capricorn that culminates in a project-launching crescendo from the 25th to the 30th.

Time to roll up our sleeves and lay down a more>