Beyond Religion: 10 reasons to become an astro-mystic

IS ASTROLOGY A RELIGION? Depends on how you define “religion.” I prefer to bypass this heady line of inquiry and move on to a less academic question: Can modern archetypal astrology help us awaken to what science calls the non-local field of consciousness and Rumi calls The Friend? Yes, providing the language of archetypes becomes more>

Astro Self-Inquiry: Busting your Aries bias

ARIES is a glistening facet of the divine jewel of creation – a style of awakening that most egos have an instinctive prejudice for or against. Do you know which way your ego leans? No? Then I regret to inform you that you are, to some extent, an archetype slave. What to do? Try this more>

Asrodharma: The Ultimate Wearable Technology

SEEMS WE HUMANS have a penchant for “wearable technology” and if the body/mind isn’t recognized as such (via meditation) then, by golly, we’ll invent some of our own. Enter “Google Glass.” If, after watching the following 2.5 minute video you aren’t at least a little creeped out by these voice-commandable computer screen eye glasses coming more>

Three Cycles of Saturn: Becoming an individuated emissary of the Absolute

UNDER STRICT ORDERS from our subconscious, Saturn does the dirty deed of severing us from work and relationships that, however much we may treasure them, are no longer an efficient vehicle of our karmicly ordained style of awakening. It is not enough, says Saturn, to enjoy a person, community or lifestyle because they give you more>

24-hour Tao: Moving in tune with the astrological seasons of each day

IF THE PASSAGE OF TIME isn’t a mouth-piece for God, then God is as good as mute. An extreme statement? Not to the astro-literate. Consider this: What if a viable path of Self-remembering, or dharma, is embedded not just into our yearly and monthly transits, but into the hourly flow of each day? A kind more>

What Scorpio Fears

AS WE LEARN to sense into lower-octave Scorpio energy in ourselves and others, we start to generate a real, heartfelt compassion for the fear that drives this archetype: Fear of superficiality. This detective-like corner of our ego suspiciously punches through the straightforward (Taurean) aspect of Being in hopes of extracting enough “truth” to allow more>

Astrodharma: 12 pithy prods to awaken

THE 12 SIGNS of the zodiac exist in our inner sky as way-showers, personalized road maps uniquely suited to our body type and conditioning, our genius and wounds. With practice, these 12 styles of awakening become as percievable as the constellations backstroking through the void above us. But what happens when we fail to more>

Oneness 101: A handy reference for astro-warriors

CHECK OUT THIS handy, downloadable reference chart that summarizes how the twelve signs of the zodiac appear when seen through meditative eyes. An objective, woo-woo-free way of measuring your capacity for interpersonal insight and on-the-spot compassion. Post on your fridge or carry in your pocket as a guide to correct your seeing and instantly more>

5 Symptoms of Archetype Deficit Disorder

WHAT IF BEING NUMB to archetype is tantamount to being numb to life? As you read through these five symptoms of Archetype Deficit Disorder, ask yourself, What if archetype is the universal language of self-inquiry and the only free will we really have is between learning to speak and harness these felt meanings or allowing more>

Oracular Uprising: Aquarian scripture comes of age

IN TIMES OF TROUBLE and uncertainty, the people of Greece and Rome paid visits to shrines dedicated to particular gods for insight and revelation. The term “oracle” referred not just to the shrine, but to the priestly intercessors overseeing them.

Today, the times of trouble and uncertainty are global in reach. The need for oracles more>

The Three Quandaries of the Pisces Muse

THE AWAKENED PISCES part of us was born fully able to see through the play of form. Whereas the other archetypes must meditatively inquire in order to recognize their 3-D stomping grounds as transient, surreal and unworthy of attachment, Pisces meditates in order to stay psychologically solid, incarnate and materially invested. The only thing more>

Styles of Awakening Training: Transforming the ego field into a Buddha field

WOULD YOU LIKE to develop an intuitively accurate, real-time awareness of the astrological archetypes in your everyday life, work and relationships?

Are you an aspiring astrologer or would you like to deepen your current counseling, healing and interpersonal work with Astrodharmic insights into your clients?

This training may be just what you’re looking more>

Astrology and the Middle Path: The Six Paired Lessons in Love

WHAT IF A ROADMAP TO AWAKENING was built into the very fabric of the cosmos? What if a pathway to the Buddhist middle path – the ego-dissolving center between mind’s wildly swinging extremes – was laid out for us in the pattern of the planets? This is the essential, but too often hidden, insight of more>

The Aries Paradox: In-Your-Face Emptiness

WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING “motorist” metaphors do you find more appealing:

1) Driving merrily along, lost in the buoyant beat of some smooth jazz station– oblivious to your toxic wake and the incalculable plant, animal and human sacrifice that allows you to fly across eroding rock trails made bump-less every night at 3:00 AM by more>

Pure Pisces Protest: The seditious hush of flash mob meditations   

A NEW ANARCHIST MOVEMENT is forming. The crimes they push against are so unspeakable, so urgent, that the cleverest, most media-grabbing protest sign would only defile and spit upon their cause. Impossible to co-opt and more frightening than the Black Bloc, these protesters do something far worse than destroy physical property; they deface the more>

The Automated Zodiac, Part 1: The story of homo-luminous

AS FICTION WRITERS KNOW, in Western literature there are only four possible stories: 1- human vs. human; 2- human vs. nature; 3- human vs. self; 4- human vs. God; and they all move from conflict to climax to fleeting integration. In short, all stories are war stories.

But what about “human awakens as more>

The Automated Zodiac, Part Two: 12 Styles of Wanting, Not Wanting and Couldn’t Care Less

SCROLL DOWN TO YOUR SUN, MOON AND RISING SIGNS. After you read each section, I invite you to recite the Prayer for Liberation that follows.


Attachment: Sovereignty The automated Aries part of us is addicted to perceiving, evoking and overcoming resistance as a means of propping up an unnaturally sovereign, hard-edged more>

Astrophobia: Fear of the impersonal nature of personality

DO YOU BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY? Careful how you answer: It’s a trick question — the sound of a disorientation-phobic mind attempting to induct you into its tidy, dualistic paradigm. My answer? “About as much as I believe in Hunter.” Why must The Mystery be so mercilessly and mechanically nailed down? Because ego feels so desperately more>

Beliefism: The religion of ego

I RECENTLY READ AN ARTICLE by a iconoclastic, young satsang teacher I had never heard about. He painted a picture of the world as a meaningless Darwinian drama. All concepts of eternal life were disparaged and all eternal life-promising teachers were portrayed as self-aggrandizing hucksters. To him, your best chance at tuning into the mystery more>