Astrodharma Transit Report: February 2020


We’re all modeling– and, in effect, teaching– a way of inhabiting consciousness. Our me-stories and moods, the paradigm from which we speak, our inner/outer posture and energetic field— they’re all wildly contagious. Will it take a metaphorical “devil virus” to help us face our infectious condition and more>

Dharma Poem: The Looking

Eyeballs looking for their eyeball-nessThe more they aim, the more they miss

Now I know I’m The LookingSo aglow with The Looking Opinion punching like an empty fistat the belly of apocalypse

Now I know I’m The LookingSo aglow with The LookingTemple ruins from an ancient war:all the faces we adore

Now I more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: January 2020


2020 IS NOT JUST a new year; it’s the beginning of a new 35 year Saturn/Pluto epoch; a time when entrenched institutions harden to the point of brittleness, before breaking, and “personal success” driven egos refocus on empowering and caring for the souls piling in behind them.

The more>

Dharma Poem: Ashram Hours

From the inky udder of night:the first faint sprayof luminous delight

A milky grey, from far, farawaylike hearsaydusts our cult of edges

Then the first light: a million flickering altarsput Zoom calls to shame

Business suits remember who they are:robes of confession

Later, in the kitchen,owl-lightgets shocked into submission

A fluorescent handgrabsa razor sharp more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: December 2019


DECEMBER HAS a “calm before the storm” feel. Our best shot at injecting “ho ho ho” into the “humbug? Tap into your inner philosophy clown. Weave whimsy into the weightiness even as you prepare for the collective colonic: the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of 2020. Here’s three steps:

1) Build faith-in-life more>

Astrodharma Transit Update: November 2019


Mercury Retrograde (Oct 31- Nov 20) is a spiritual spot quiz. It tests how anchored we are in The Silent Immensity, by baiting the mind with distracting “problems.” It’s Gem-in-eye curious: How reflexively will you abandon your true position as awareness, itself, and harden into the shape of the problem-solver?

Miscommunication, travel more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: October 2019


The September 28th New Moon in Libra set a clear theme for October: relationships. As Venus, Sun, Mars and Moon take turns squaring Pluto and Saturn, we are being poked and prodded to resist temptations to emotionally manipulate and, instead, upgrade our capacity for graceful negotiation and humble resolution of differences. more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: September 2019


SEPTEMBER is fantastically functional and forward-moving. It begins with half the zodiac conjunct in the sign of Virgo, forming a T-square to Neptune and Jupiter.

Normally a tense configuration, the pressure of this ongoing T-square receives an auspicious “release valve” through Trines to visionary Uranus and disciplined Saturn. Then, over more>

Styles of Awakening Training: Sep 2- Nov 5, 2019

Dear friends and Astrodharma allies, Are you a budding counselor, teacher, social worker or simply an evolving “spiritual friend?”

Are you ready to learn the perceptual skills you need to see and support a full range of personalities, allowing you to go soul-to-soul with your clients and those you claim to know and more>

Dharma Poem: Epstein Eyes

No wonder we hate him.Mind did something unspeakableTo our underage eyes.

TurningInnocent pink sunrisesintobackstabbing honeypots.

Sunsets into sugar daddieswith a creepy commandto hold some handbefore we punish by postingto Instagram.

Jeffrey’s most despicable act:reminding ushow we pedo ourselves:look the other way,as sweet, starry-eyed silence is mountedover and over, by a potbellied queue.


Astrodharma Transit Report: August 2019


AUGUST OFFERS SWEET relief from the shadow-outing intensity of July’s Mercury retrograde and eclipses. (Mercury went direct on July 31st). With Venus and the Sun conjunct all month, the mood is more upbeat, social, even romantic. Could the first twenty days of August be the happiest days of the year?


Astrodharma Transit Report: July 2019


Feeling pulled in a new direction? Mercury is retrograde, conjunct risk-taking Mars and square unruly Uranus. The soul is restless for change. Alas, we have some emotional homework to complete before moving forward.

Is life buzzy, with doors flying open, pushing you to expand your emotional comfort more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: June 2019

The Mother of all Disasters

June wants to prepare us for the life-pivots coming up during the “eclipse-o-grade” in July. (Mercury retrograde + solar and lunar eclipses). How? By nudging us to ask, What is my soul’s most innocent, alive and unconditioned message to the world? The first step to achieving this enviable more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: May 2019


IF APRIL IS THE “HEAD” of the astrological year, May is the neck: the downward plunging feeding tube that connects the hairy headquarters of identity to the five senses and, through them, to the fixed, lawful realities of body and earth. May says to April,


12 Portals to Presence Chart

THINK OF THE CHART below as a broom for the temple of your psyche; a Astro-Advaitic tool designed to sweep away the most generic, presence-numbing stories of ego. A quick run through the twelve portals, every morning and evening, can reactivate awareness of the unborn, undying Presence staring through our eyes and quicken our more>

12 Portals to Presence

An Astro-Self-Inquiry practice designed to flush the mind free of egoic automation.

1) Please recite each question (internally or aloud) followed by a minute of silence, lingering on the inquiries that are most baffling and unsettling.  

2) Please do NOT yield to the temptation to conceptually answer any of these questions!

3) more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: April 2019


APRIL BEGINS with a waning crescent (“Balsamic”) moon in the dream-incubating sign of Pisces, which sets the tone for the first two weeks of the month. Yes, the Sun did just move into the feisty, forward-moving sign of Aries two weeks ago, but it was only three days more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: March 2019

Cave of Forgotten Dreams

THE MOST EMBARRASSING thing you could do with this Mercury retrograde in Pisces is to stab through its disorienting fog with a sword of divinely channeled plans and proclamations of certainty. Trust me, your sexy scheme is more anti-chaotic than final solution. Save Napoleon for April and recite your mantra: more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: February 2019

FEBRUARY CONTINUES to give a green light to January’s new year starts (all planets direct until Mercury retro on March 6th). We’ll need this productive momentum to carry us through the first week’s Mars/Pluto square when passionate commitment can- without a grounded, tension-relieving project- slip into obsessive willfulness, resulting in power struggles.

Now is more>

Chiron in Aries: The Clint Eastwood Cure

HAVE YOU NOTICED how every Aries head falls, without a trace, into its Pisces footprint? Yet, every day in the mirror, something untouched by time documents this collapse with absolute serenity. This timeless seer is who we truly are. I like to call it, “eternity-with-eyes.”

Exotic? Hardly. In an act of profound, pedestrian more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: January 2019


JANUARY LAUNCHES US with an energizing, proactive Mars in Aries (Jan 1st- Feb 14th). Stir in a few life-pivoting eclipses (Jan 5th and 21st) and season them with a series of Saturn/Pluto conjunctions in Capricorn and you have a curious brew: updated purpose and commitment to long-term goals more>

Astrodharma Transit Update: December 2018


WHY DID WE CHOOSE to be born in this age of post-truth, where everyone is bombarded with sophisticated disinformation campaigns, fake news and staged psy-ops? Simple: so our truth-parched psyches would dive, with renewed vigor, into the timeless wisdom traditions and the supremely un-manipulatable meanings born of meditative self-inquiry.

In the more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: November 2018


November wants us to confess: There’s only one thing going on down here. Spiritually, politically or in the dynamics of personal love, the challenge is essentially the same: How can we balance head-born Aries individuation with the pressed-together world of the Pisces feet? How can we be mad enough to more>

Astrodharma Transit Report: October 2018


Every 18 months, for about 40 days, Venus retrograde (Oct 6- Nov 16) elbows us to update our relationship values and come into deeper integrity with the souls we claim to know and love. How? By asking,

Who am I becoming by virtue of standing in this soul-mirror? How more>

The Astrology of Pedophilia

The world, it seems, is awash in pedophilia. Rather than get angry or depressed about this, Astrology urges us to inquire:

Why would I choose to incarnate at a time when so many in positions of power are getting caught succumbing to this twisted way of touching, tasting and devouring innocence?

The answer comes, more>