September 2015 Transit Update

KUDOS TO VENUS retrograde for masterminding the Ashley Madison hack. Next comes the Mercury retrograde lawsuits starting September 17. So much for those fickle flashes of union we’ve been so expertly conditioned to lust after. Attraction wants to overflow from Beingness, itself, says Venus retro, not from seductive force-ripening. I like how Mooji put it: “We hemmorage energy when we want a relationship with anything.”

And how about that Neptunian “flood” of immigrants across Saturnian borders? Surely there must be a middle path, says the Saturn/Neptune square, between hard-hearted isolationism and boundariless compassion fatigue. Which extreme do you tend towards?

September is downright crunchy. A few days after the T-squared Solar eclipse on Sept 13, Mercury goes retrograde, moving closer and closer to a cardinal T-square with the Lunar eclipse in Aries on Sept 27. Will you get bumped into a new life or proactively pivot? Either way, the most important thing is to understand everything that happens this month as a milestone on the way to the approaching Saturn/Neptune square on November 26. 

Suddenly, you are walking on a melting sidewalk and the road signs are drooping into tear-shaped blobs. It’s time to throw away the map and tap into deeper guidance. Yes, it can get disorienting, but nothing is actually happening to us. We have collectively called in Neptune to dissolve the outmoded Saturnian structures of society and – lucky us – our personal relationships get to morph into new, mind-bending forms of congruency. Will your partnership be Gumby enough to survive?

My advise: use the first two weeks of September to tap into the Jupiter in Virgo opposed Neptune in Pisces aspect by finding (or creating) a group of allies in awakening with which to meet on a regular basis for the next three months. This isn’t just a generically good idea. You are in boot camp prepping for an onslaught of potentially stressful changes later in the month when the weaponized Lunar eclipse in Aries strikes. 

But don’t stop there. Balance this distinctly Neptunian pursuit with the establishment of a Virgoan diet, exercise and nutrition routine that will keep your mind zen enough to stay focused on the straightforward, entirely workable reality directly in front of you. Congratulations. The gods of astrology are pleased and appeased. You have toughened yourself into a psycho-spiritual rock who can steady the flailing ones, freaked out by the macroeconomic meltdowns. Chant with them:

    This smoke was designed to blow away; 
    the mystery is kind, come and play.

The September 27th Lunar Eclipse 

When Mercury retrograde combines with a lunar eclipse in Aries that’s weaponized with a wide, but nonetheless jarring, return of the Uranus/Pluto square, the rule is simple: no confrontation without mediation.

What happens during this eclipse period when a frustrated soul need has festered for too long in our subconscious? At best: a sudden, sloppy, hurtful eruption of “truth.” At worst: all out war. Them be the stakes for this darkness-venting lunar eclipse. Pray that world leaders have level-headed international relations experts whispering in their ears. Bottom line: ego is a powder keg without access to an archetypal languages (like astrology) that know how to name and suggest healthy pathways of fulfillment for the faint longings of our soul. Know someone (You? An unemployed young person?) moving numbly through the depression-repression-explosion cycle? Gift them a reading before Sept 27.

For those who pray at the altar of media and cling to tried-and-true role-play, this will be a particularly disturbing month; for others it will be a succession of empowering catalysts that center them in the faith and fluidity of timeless presence. Which will you be?

(Pacific Time, USA)

Sep 6- Venus goes direct
Sep 13- New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Virgo
Sep 17- Mercury goes Retrograde until Oct. 9th
Sept 17- Saturn enters Sagittarius
Sep 23- Sun enters Libra
Sep 24- Mars enters Virgo
Sep 25- Pluto goes direct
Sep 27- Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries

Next Mercury Retrograde: Jan 5-25, 2016

Sep 5- Last Quarter
Sep 12- New Moon
Sep 21- First Quarter
Sep 27- Full Moon

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