August 2015 Transit Update: Frayed Angels

AUGUST IS A GOOD month to substitute “people” with “frayed angels” and confess that we are, indeed, worn at the edges, but internally brand new. In fact, in Buddhist terms we are not just “new” we are “The Unborn.” That makes “nubile” look downright elderly, no? Yes, there are some ominous portends in the air, but this chi-full Leo month drops two fizzy pills into the fear-mongering quadrant of our mind: divine pride and causeless happiness. Need more Leo meds? Try some timely Leo entertainment: watch The Last Mimzy.

August begins with the planet of discipline, goals and commitments (Saturn) going direct in Scorpio on August 2nd. Bogged down projects begin to move forward now, but not without a price. Since Saturn will be squared by freedom-loving Jupiter all month (and Venus retrograde for the first half of the month), we’re being challenged to restructure our lives, plans and, most of all, our relationships in such a way that we have room to breathe, recapture our sovereign soul-vision and rearrange our daily responsibilities until they feel more like learning adventures. Jupiter’s arrival in Virgo on the 11th and the New Moon in Leo on the 14th make mid-August an ideal time for taking the first baby steps towards realizing a brand new goal. Start it now, well before the next Mercury Retro on Sept 17th.

Venus Retrograde Advice

Venus will be retrograde in Leo until September 6th. If you’re in a relationship, it’s a good time to let it breathe so you both have room to do your creative work. Exiting one relationship straight into a new one? Careful. Hard to know what you’ve signed up for until mid-September when the retrograde dust settles. Single? Good time to be pragmatically romantic — in that order. Here’s a good Venus retro question for everyone to consider:

How much do you really love what you think you love and what pragmatic adjustments might help you love it more?

The answer may seem to “fray” you, dream-soldier, but the longer-term congruency could add years to your life.

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